Do you love tabletop gaming? This is your podcast. Who are the creatives behind your favorite games and content? How do they approach... more
I sat down with Shawn and Navi Drake and discussed the origins of their game, Hedge. We also answer the... more
Craig talks with Matt John, one of the designers on Monolith's new Conan RPG! Back the game HERE! ************************************ Support the show for as... more
Craig shares how he writes and organizes scenarios before and during play. Watch the video HERE See Sean's tutorial HERE ************************************ Support the show... more
This is a special episode where Alex is interviewing Jason about The Between! Back The Between Watch Public Access ************************************ Support the show for... more
Craig talks with Neal Litherland, an author and the RPG creator behind Sundara: Dawn of a New Age and Army Men. Everything... more
Craig sat down with Sam Dunnewold and learned where the inspiration for Dice Exploder emerged from, Sam's creative process works,... more
Craig sat down with Ben Alexander of Parable Games to discuss his art and new solo RPG, ION Heart. Get ION... more
Enjoy this conversation with Emily Weiss, public defender, gamer, and creator of Picket Line Tango and Breach of Contract for... more
Is there a way to make your game terrain affordable? Enjoy Craig's conversation with Jake Karlsmark of Game Gear Master.... more
Jonathan talks about the origins and the mechanics behind his GM-Less RPG, The King's Poisoner. He walks us through the... more
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