Raising awesome kids takes help. NPR has science and experts to get you through the toughest parenting moments. Updated every time we... more
You signed your kid up for the soccer team (or swimming lessons, or piano or art), paid the fee and... more
Meltdowns, refusing to share, hitting other kids. Every child has bad behavior sometimes. At home, it's easier to deal with.... more
Sulhee Jessica Woo's love language is packing lunch. When she sends her three kids off to school, she includes themed... more
Today's teens struggle with perfectionism and mood swings, and their parents struggle to have hard conversations with them, according to... more
With a baby on the way, you'll need to babyproof your home — and your relationship. In this episode, how... more
Psychologist Becky Kennedy, author of the book "Good Inside: A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be," urges... more
It's hard to find time for anything with a newborn at home. And in the months after having a baby,... more
Drowning is the No. 1 cause of death for children ages 1-4 in the United States. To prevent drownings, make... more
Many parents share photos and videos of their babies and children on social media. But there are potential dangers to... more
Becoming a blended stepfamily can be fraught for everyone involved. How can your family build trust, function more smoothly and... more
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