Women Who Sarcast - we are here to change the misconception of sarcasm. Host: Kathy Barron; Co-hosts: Cori Asuncion and Chelsea Pegues
It's the end of a sarcastic era.In this episode, Kathy thanks her cohosts (Mario, Sheilani, Cori, and Chelsea) and her... more
Oh, Menopause. How you mess with our bodies.Kathy and Cori add a little sarcasm to their menopausal lives.Tune in and... more
Are you a rule follower or rule breaker?Or do you make your own rules?As creatives, Kathy and Chelsea talk about... more
Kathy has a lot on her mind but there's one thing that keeps coming up for her.Tune in and find... more
Do you have a morbid sense of humor? Or perhaps you like dark humor?Kathy and Cori talk about both and... more
You know how history repeats itself and no one in entertainment can be trusted?Kathy and Chelsea share epic fails that... more
Kathy does her best in recording an episode of Real Deep Sh*! without writing a script and just going with... more
Do you overthink, spiral, catastrophize, and/or overgeneralize?Kathy and Cori are cutting to the chase and dissecting overthinking because they are... more
Have you liked a novel so much that you highlight, underline, and stick post-it notes all over the pages? Well...Chelsea... more
Happy New Year!Welcome to the first episode of Season Three of Real Deep Sh*! Kathy had every intention of talking... more
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