Following the events of Marvel’s “Wolverine: The Long Night,” Logan (Richard Armitage) returns to New Orleans in search of redemption, only to... more
Logan, Maureen, Agent Pierce and Marcus make a final stand against Wyngarde – and the incoming sentinel army. MARVEL’S WOLVERINE: THE... more
Agent Pierce and Logan move to break Wyngarde’s control over the citizens of Greenhaven. MARVEL’S WOLVERINE: THE LOST TRAIL, starring Richard... more
Maureen helps Logan remember the past. Agent Pierce makes an enticing offer. MARVEL’S WOLVERINE: THE LOST TRAIL, starring Richard Armitage as... more
Having finally arrived in Greenhaven, Marcus is shown a new way of life. MARVEL’S WOLVERINE: THE LOST TRAIL, starring Richard Armitage... more
Logan and Gambit embark on a rescue mission. Bonnie readies the Cold Blooded for another fight. MARVEL’S WOLVERINE: THE LOST TRAIL,... more
Logan seeks alternative help in reclaiming his memories. Marcus encounters an old friend. MARVEL’S WOLVERINE: THE LOST TRAIL, starring Richard Armitage... more
Logan and Marcus set out for Greenhaven, while Bonnie and Agent Pierce reach a tenuous truce. MARVEL’S WOLVERINE: THE LOST TRAIL,... more
Bonnie Roach leads the Cold Blooded on a hunt for Logan, leading to a French Quarter confrontation. MARVEL’S WOLVERINE: THE LOST... more
Logan and Marcus investigate Maureen’s apartment, finding a mysterious clue that leads them to an old friend. MARVEL’S WOLVERINE: THE LOST... more
Logan returns to New Orleans in search of Maureen and meets Marcus – a local teenager who is also searching... more
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