Award-winning comedy writer Marc Haynes has watched every single Wrestlemania. Broadcaster Pete Donaldson hasn’t. Join them both every week as they subject... more
At ease, fabulous freeloaders! Wrestle Me has a live show taking place at Kings Place on Sunday 8th September -... more
An annual tradition - a wee festive lick of the Wrestle Me Patreon for all the fabulous freeloaders! We're... more
A little RSS-feed treat for your Christmas Day. Enjoy!If you'd like to hear the rest of our Wrestle Me-mases, just... more
ONE MORE MATCH!Wrestle Me, as we know over. But in the very *spirit* of sports entertainment retirement, we're simply... more
Wearing their very best salmon suits, Marc and Pete polish off another Wrestlemania, for the very final time (until we... more
You make this just a bit harder for Vince and you'll be gaining that executive bathroom VIP pass, my friend.If... more
Did Ron DeSantis write this Jack Sparrow voiceover bullshine?If you'd like to hear what happens next - head on over... more
Marc's new favourite wrestler, Bad Bunny hits the ring. Easily the best thing Miz has done in - get... more
Pete and Marc, two real bad bunnies are back with more from the Wrestlemania that happened just a few short... more
Pete and Marc return, sweetening the deal with dipped crowd audio and deafening entrance music - it's Wrestlemania 37, baby!Oh... more
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