Welcome to the podcast where we talk about how to raise our collective consciousness about what's possible and bring more ease and... more
Hope is a choice. It's about gifting your attention to the light. Perhaps a simple concept, but one that's not... more
When the world gets intense, it's important to take breaks. Join Sharon as she does that by reading three beloved... more
Our bodies are incredible sources of wisdom. They are an important resource for ushering our ideas, dreams, and impact into... more
Joy is a light-filled anecdote to volatility, grief, and complexity. What different flavors of joy do you experience? How might... more
It’s easy to let momentum take hold. Our expectations drive us to continue without letting up. Our desire to please... more
What is the worst job you’ve ever had? And why? What made it so? In today’s episode, Sharon discusses her... more
Big change rarely happens in an instant. Transitions are a natural part of the process. Transitions can feel uncomfortable. How... more
Rarely can our dreams be realized in isolation. Partnering with others is a natural consequence of ambition. That doesn't mean... more
Deep listening can change the world. Listening impacts so many things: Our understanding, our questions, and our connections to those... more
How we spend our days is how we spend our lives. Routine matters. It is a foundational building block that... more
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