Forrest Hanson is joined by clinical psychologist Dr. Rick Hanson and a world-class group of experts to explore the practical science of... more
Dr. Rick and Forrest explore how we can improve focus and fix our attention spans in a world that is... more
Dr. Ramani Durvasula, one of the world’s leading experts on narcissism and narcissistic abuse, joins Forrest to help us learn... more
Dr. Rick and Forrest open up the mailbag and answer questions from listeners, many of which focused on anxiety experiences.... more
In this special episode, Dr. Rick and Forrest explore how we can become more self-reliant, and learn to trust ourselves.... more
In this special episode, Forrest focuses on the key lessons from 400 episodes of Being Well, giving you a crash... more
Forrest and Dr. Rick focus on one of life's most challenging but essential skills - letting go. Whether you're trying... more
Attachment wounds are emotional injuries that develop based on painful experiences with those we care about. These experiences create a... more
Dr. Rick and Forrest begin the mailbag by exploring limerence – an obsessive form of romantic attraction – and offer... more
Forrest and Dr. Rick explore "situationships" – those poorly defined, boundary-free relationships that exist in a gray area between friendship... more
Why do New Year's resolutions usually fail by February? Forrest and Dr. Rick explore why traditional goal-setting falls short and... more