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1 Year Daily Audio Bible
1 Year Daily Audio Bible
Brian Hardin

One year. Every day. 365 days through the Bible in community with tens of thousands of others around the globe... more

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DAB September 25 - 2024

Isaiah 45:11-48:11, Eph 4:1-16, Ps 68:19-35, Pr 24:3-4

25 Sep 2024 ·
DAB September 24 - 2024

Isaiah 43:14-45:10, Eph 3:1-21, Ps 68:1-18, Pr 24:1-2

24 Sep 2024 ·
DAB September 23 - 2024

Isaiah 41:17-43:13, Eph 2:1-22, Ps 67:1-7, Pr 23:29-35

23 Sep 2024 ·
DAB September 22 - 2024

Isaiah 39:1-41:16, Eph 1:1-23, Ps 66:1-20, Pr 23:25-28

22 Sep 2024 ·
Community Prayer September21-2024

Community Prayer and Encouragement

21 Sep 2024 ·
DAB September 21 - 2024

Isaiah 37:1-38:22, Gal 6:1-18, Ps 65:1-13, Pr 23:24

21 Sep 2024 ·
DAB September 20 - 2024

Isaiah 33:10-36:22, Gal 5:13-26, Ps 64:1-10, Pr 23:23

20 Sep 2024 ·
DAB September 19 - 2024

Isaiah 30:12-33:9, Gal 5:1-12, Ps 63:1-11, Pr 23:22

19 Sep 2024 ·
DAB September 18 - 2024

Isaiah 28:14-30:11, Gal 3:23-4:31, Ps 62:1-12, Pr 23:19-21

18 Sep 2024 ·
DAB September 17 - 2024

Isaiah 25:1-28:13, Gal 3:10-22, Ps 61:1-8, Pr 23:17-18

17 Sep 2024 ·
1 Year Daily Audio Bible
DAB September 25 - 2024
1 Year Daily Audio Bible
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