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A History of the Easter Rising in 10 Objects Ep 10: A 1916 memorial card from 1917

The final episode in a ten part podcast series on a 'History of the Easter Rising in 10 Objects' discusses... more

06 May 2016 · 11 minutes
A History of the Easter Rising in 10 Objects Ep 9: Kathleen Lynn's Prison Biscuits

The ninth in a ten part podcast series on a 'History of the Easter Rising in 10 Objects' discusses biscuits... more

06 May 2016 · 11 minutes
A History of the Easter Rising in 10 Objects Ep 8: Wall Fragment from 16 Moore St

The eighth in a ten part podcast series on a 'History of the Easter Rising in 10 Objects' discusses a... more

06 May 2016 · 12 minutes
A History of the Easter Rising in 10 Objects Ep 7: Books from Marsh's Library

The seventh in a ten part podcast series on a 'History of the Easter Rising in 10 Objects' discusses books... more

06 May 2016 · 9 minutes
A History of the Easter Rising in 10 Objects Ep 6: A Flag from the Gunship Helga

The sixth in a ten part podcast series on a 'History of the Easter Rising in 10 Objects' discusses the... more

06 May 2016 · 12 minutes
A History of the Easter Rising in 10 Objects Ep 5: The Trinity Memorial Cup

The fifth in a ten part podcast series on a 'History of the Easter Rising in 10 Objects' discusses the... more

26 Apr 2016 · 9 minutes
1916 Oral History: Fionan Lynch

This is an extract of an interview with Fionan Lynch for the Irish Life and Lore 1916 Oral History project. Fionán... more

12 Apr 2016 · 4 minutes
A History of the Easter Rising in 10 Objects Ep 4: The Irish Republic flag

The fourth of a ten part podcast series on a 'History of the Easter Rising in 10 Objects' discusses the... more

08 Apr 2016 · 8 minutes
The Irish Republic is declared by morse code

The first radio transmission was sent by the Irish rebels on Easter Monday 1916 declared an Irish Republic to the... more

26 Mar 2016 · 1 minute
A History of the Easter Rising in 10 Objects Ep 3: Coliseum Theatre poster

The third of a ten part podcast series on a 'History of the Easter Rising in 10 Objects' discusses a... more

22 Mar 2016 · 9 minutes
A History of the Easter Rising in 10 Objects Ep 10: A 1916 memorial card from 1917
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