Dan Harris is a fidgety, skeptical journalist who had a panic attack on live national television, which led him to try something he... more
Radical strategies for the scarcity mindset.
Evidence from the guy who pioneered the science.
An alternative for people who have trouble meditating on the breath.
A crucial (and often misunderstood) concept in Buddhism: letting go.
What ancient Greeks and Romans figured out about stress reduction.
Discomfort with the unknown is a natural human response. This meditation will help you relax as you practice allowing the... more
How to get the practice into your molecules—not in some militaristic way, but in a way that feels easy and... more
How optimizing this skill can change your life – and the world.
Unraveling one of our main sources of unhappiness.
The Buddhist case — and toolkit — for “don’t-know mind.”