My Favorite Murder is a true crime comedy podcast hosted by Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark. Each week, Karen and Georgia share... more
This week’s hometowns include a dog named Turbo and an annual Hot Dog Day. Support this podcast by shopping our latest sponsor... more
On today’s episode, Georgia and Karen cover the disappearance of Jodi Huisentruit. For our sources and show notes, visit Support this... more
It's time to Rewind with Karen & Georgia! This week, K & G recap Episode 26: Twenty Six Six Six when... more
This week’s hometowns include a childhood hobby and a petty solution to a problem. Support this podcast by shopping our latest... more
This week, Karen and Georgia cover the story of singer Mary Jones. For our sources and show notes, visit Support this... more
It's time to Rewind with Karen & Georgia! This week, K & G recap Episode 25: Twenty Knives. Georgia discussed Christopher... more
This week’s hometowns include trying to enjoy a picnic and hanging out at a mall in the ‘80s. Support this podcast... more
On today's episode, Georgia and Karen cover the death of Sandra Birchmore. For our sources and show notes, visit Support this... more
It's time to Rewind with Karen & Georgia! This week, K & G recap Episode 24: …And Twenty Justice Four All... more
This week’s hometowns include a bloody handprint and debunking a local legend. Support this podcast by shopping our latest sponsor deals... more
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