Carousel Radio is a show and a podcast that is planned and presented by our learning disabled DJs and radio presenters. It’s... more
For the final Carousel Radio show, Jason and Joel present music, stories and poems from artists with a learning disability... more
Jason and Joel present music, stories and poems from artists with a learning disability or Autism. The show includes music... more
Jason, Joel and Paggy present music, stories and poems from artists with a learning disability. The team discuss tips for... more
Jason and Joel present music, stories and poems from artists with a learning disability. The show includes a poem from... more
Jason and Joel present music, stories and poems from artists with a learning disability and autism. The show includes a... more
Joel, Fran, Paggy and Claire present music, stories and poems from artists with a learning disability. The show includes Jonny... more
Joel, Jason and Paggy present 'You, Me & The Sea' which includes a story about Atlantis by Debbie Caulfield. The... more
Claire, Joel and Jason present 'You, Me & The Sea' which includes coastal poems from Charles Hatton and Sam Castell-Ward. ... more
Fran, Joel and Jason present 'You, Me & The Sea': poems, stories and songs inspired by the sea. Charles Hatton... more
Fran, Claire and Jason present 'You, Me & The Sea': poems, stories and songs inspired by the sea; ‘When I'm... more
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