In the 25+ years Janet Lansbury has worked with children and parents, she's learned a lot. She's here to share it with... more
A parent writes to Janet that she's alarmed and heartbroken about the wedge that's developed between her and her 4-year-old... more
Elsa Chahin, President/CEO of Pikler/Loczy USA, has dedicated herself to carrying on the mission of visionary pediatrician and researcher Dr.... more
Parenting and worry seem to go hand-in-hand. Because we care so much, we watch our kids closely and can tend... more
Janet consults with a distressed parent of two boys who feels stuck in a destructive pattern. She describes how she's... more
A parent with 2 children, 4 and 1.5-years-old, writes to Janet feeling disappointed and concerned that he's letting his children... more
Janet addresses messages from parents who are feeling defeated and helpless in the face of their kids' persistently uncooperative, annoying... more
Raising kids is a learning process, and (no doubt) there's a benefit to reflecting on the mistakes we make along... more
Janet responds to a question from a caregiver who says the family she works for is interested in teaching their... more
In this encore episode, a mom is at her wit's end and describes a series of challenging family separations and... more
Janet’s guest this week is Neha Ruch, a writer and speaker on parenting, women, work, and identity. Her personal journey... more
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