The CSS Podcast

The CSS Podcast

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the web’s core styling language. For web developers, It’s one of the quickest technologies to get started with, but one of the hardest to master. Follow Una Kravets and Adam Argyle, Developer Advocates from Google, who gleefully breakdown complex aspects of CSS into digestible episodes covering everything from accessibility to z-index.


October 3, 2024 42 mins

Una and Adam recap the season! They share their favorite features, stories, and use cases. Season 5 covered popovers, dialogs, top layers, trig functions, color functions, :has() tricks, balanced text wrapping, linear() easing, nesting, anchoring, state queries, view transitions, and scroll driven animation. What a year for...

Mark as Played
September 26, 2024 46 mins

In this episode our esteemed guest returns! This time to help us grok Scroll Driven Animation. Learn all about scroll(), view(), animation-timeline, timeline-scope, animation-range, and more. Power those animations with off-the-main-thread CSS scroll animation powers.



Bramus's Demos:

All mentioned Demos + Tools + Video Course + DevTools Extension link →

Mark as Played
September 19, 2024 41 mins

In this episode Una and Adam bring on an esteemed guest Bramus, who brings us deep knowledge on View Transitions. These are easy to get started with but difficult to master, but not with Bramus here to teach us. He'll be covering introductory to advanced API features and a big bag of examples and demos. 

Developer Documentation → 

Quick intro to View Transiti...

Mark as Played
September 12, 2024 23 mins

In this episode, Una and Adam discuss a future web capability that builds on container queries: state queries. From CSS, this feature will be able to detect  if a container is overflowing, when an element is scroll snapped, and when an element is stuck from position: sticky.

:stuck, :snapped, :on-screen, etc →  

state queries syntax → 


Mark as Played
August 22, 2024 38 mins

In this episode Una and Adam explain anchor positioning and all its amazing features.

Introducing the CSS anchor positioning API → 

CSS anchor positioning → 

Tab’s talk from CSS Day 

Una's Anchor Tool → 

Mark as Played
August 8, 2024 8 mins

In this episode Una and Adam catch you up to the latest syntax features of CSS nesting.

Episode 47 →
Episode 65 →
CSS Nesting Update → 

Una Kravets (co-host)
Twitter | Instagram | YouTube
Making the web more colorful ✨🎨  Web DevRel @googlechrome Unicorn face host of @toolsday & Designing in the Browser 🎬 

Mark as Played
August 1, 2024 16 mins

In this episode Una and Adam cover the linear() CSS easing function that can create bounce and spring effects.



Ep 22 on Animation → 

linear() generator → 

Complex animation curves in CSS with linear() → 

Open Props premade spring and bounce variables →

Mark as Played
July 11, 2024 12 mins

In this episode Una and Adam talk about text wrap, a great modern improvement to typography on the web platform. Learn how you can create logical layout rules for your headings and other copy with just one line of code.

text-wrap on MDN → 

soft breaks → 


Una Kravets (co-host)
Twitter | Instagram | YouTube
Making the web ...

Mark as Played
July 3, 2024 36 mins

In this episode Una and Adam expand on episode 61 about :has() by focusing specifically on use cases, tips and tricks. Get inspired and discover new ways to make reactive UI from CSS.

Ep 61 → 

Piccali → 

Ahmad Shadeed → 

The Looper → 

Una Kravets (c...

Mark as Played

In this episode Una and Adam provide a color update, covering changes to the specs and new functions. 

RCS calc() tool → 

Apple Annie CSS Color Modules and Changes, Part I → 

Lea verou article on RCS for contrast →

Una Kravets (co-host...

Mark as Played
June 20, 2024 43 mins

In this episode Una and Adam share practical use cases, syntax and strategies for all the new math functions in CSS. From trig to algebra, they'll help you get a good idea on where and how these fit into your UI toolbelt.

Ana Tudor tests your browser for CSS math function support → 

Great guide and overview from Daniel Wilson → 

Mark as Played
June 13, 2024 31 mins

In this episode Una and Adam continue talking about dialogs and popovers, but this time it's all about animating them into and out of the top layer.. We'll be introducing starting-style, a new mode for transitioning discrete properties, and the overlay property for smooth entry and exit animations. 

top-layer CSS spec →
Four new CSS features for smooth entry and exit animatio...

Mark as Played
June 6, 2024 19 mins

The CSS Podcast is back, with an episode highlighting the popover API and dialog element! Learn what they can do, and when to use which when.

Popover API lands in Baseline →
Dialogs and popovers seem similar. How are they different? →
Dialog dilemmas and modal mischief → Semantics and the popover attribute →

Mark as Played
December 6, 2023 19 mins

I can’t believe we’re already at the end of season 4! This season, we’ve been focusing on CSS gotchas and resolving these common CSS pitfalls. And alas, on our last episode of the season, we’re going to take a look back at all of those tips and tricks and pick some of our favorites to highlight in this recap episode.



Why isn’t percentage working → 

Mark as Played
November 28, 2023 15 mins

In this episode, Una and Adam talk about percentage resolution for various properties like font-size, padding height and width. They break down and explain why percentages may not work or may not be what you expected.



Understanding CSS Percentage → 

CSS Box Sizing Module Level 3 →

Mark as Played

In this episode Una and Adam help you uncover moments where a sticky element isn't sticking. There are a couple of gotcha around implementing a sticky element and by the end of the show you'll know what they are and a few ways to work around them.



sticky stack - 

sticky desperado -  

sticky slide - https://goo.g...

Mark as Played

In this episode, Una and Adam discuss common gotchas with custom properties, which often feel fully reactive during use, but their limits and implementation details can popup at unexpected times and create a headache. They'll cover these situations and their solutions!



Value stages → 

How custom property values are computed →

Mark as Played
October 11, 2023 17 mins

In this episode we tackle one of the most asked questions of all CSS history.. how do I center this div? We'll cover multiple strategies that each have tradeoffs and super powers over each other. 



Centering in CSS → 

Comparing grid and flex place-items and place-content → 

Centering in CSS: A Complete Guide → ht...

Mark as Played
September 21, 2023 25 mins

On this episode of the #CSSpodcast, we’re diving into how to deal with glitchy animations in your code base!



MDN transform-style - 

MDN backface-visibility -


Una Kravets (co-host)

Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

Making the web more colorful ✨🎨  Web DevRel @googlechrome Unicorn face host of @toolsda...

Mark as Played

In this episode, we tackle the issues around getting undesirable gradient results. Sometimes it's you, sometimes it's the color space. We'll help you identify, assess and remedy muddy gradients.



HD color guide - 

various gradients in color spaces - 

modern css gradient tool - 

Mark as Played

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