Real Nurses Real Talk

Real Nurses Real Talk

Real Talk by a husband and wife nurse duo bringing a combined 30 years of experience to share unique perspectives and insights into our incredible healthcare industry. Because let’s be real, regardless of your role, providing care in today’s healthcare environment is hard. Join us each week for “real talk” that will be sure to Heal, Empower, and Inspire.


September 10, 2024 21 mins
When a medical error occurs, it is critical that we view the error through the lens of empathy and Just Culture.  This includes errors that have made national headlines.  

Welcome to Episode 35.  How can a surgeon remove someone's liver thinking it is a spleen that is so diseased that it was four times bigger than normal and it had moved to the other side of his body?  In this episode, we discuss the unbelievable case of William Bry...
Mark as Played
September 3, 2024 33 mins
On August 22, 2024, Dr. Dalton Renick was suspended after the Board of Medicine heard his case in a Summary Suspension Hearing.  The allegations against Dr. Renick are almost unbelievable.

Welcome to Episode 34, where we discuss the allegations and offer some perspective on Dr. Renick's Order of Summary Suspension.  

**Please note that this episode contains topics that some people may find disturbing.”

Mark as Played
August 27, 2024 38 mins
I wanted her to know I'm a person, not just a name on a paper..."   These are the words of Sharon Holmes, a breast cancer survivor who initially had a "normal" mammogram, but three months later discovered she had stage II breast cancer.  How is this possible?  Unfortunately, Sharon was not alone.

Welcome to Episode 33 where we discuss the unbelievable case of Rachel Rapraeger, a mammography technician whose decisions and actions wou...
Mark as Played
August 13, 2024 25 mins
How many times have you heard a leader talk about being "Data-Driven"?  Unfortunately, it is often used as a weird badge of honor.  

Welcome to Episode 31 where we push back on the idea of being "Data-Driven" and make the case to be "Data-Guided" and "Mission-Driven".  We also get into a bit of a discussion about next week's episode topic.  Push back on those who are "Data-Driven"!!!

Mark as Played
August 6, 2024 29 mins
What comes to mind when you think of the word: Gratitude?  Have you ever thought of it as an evidence-based way to increase our compassion?

Welcome to Episode 30!  In this episode, we take some time to discuss the evidence behind gratitude and discuss ways we as caregivers can practice gratitude.  There are multiple strategies, but Brandon talked about his favorite way!  Gratitude is a powerful way we can increase our compassion!  T...
Mark as Played
July 30, 2024 27 mins
Is the rate of Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI) increasing or decreasing in American Hospitals?

Welcome to Episode 29 where we discuss a recent study from the NIH that shows HAI are increasing!  We explore possible reasons and most importantly, what to do to reverse this concerning trend.  


Real Nurses, Real Talk website: https://www.purposedrivenpx.c...
Mark as Played
July 23, 2024 34 mins
Hillary Ellington Brown was born in Mobile, Alabama on September 2, 1990.  Her parents described her as "full of fire and energy" since she was a girl.  The events surrounding Hillary's ultimate death on November 28, 2023, are almost unbelievable.  

Welcome to Episode 28, where we dive into the story of Hillary Brown and her husband, Dr. Benhamin Brown.  We explore Dr. Brown's culpability in the death of his wife and the bizarre eve...
Mark as Played
July 16, 2024 15 mins
We have enjoyed a small break, but we are EXCITED to be back!

Welcome to our 100th episode!  It has been an amazing ride, and we look forward to many more episodes!  We take a few minutes to share our favorite episode of Season 3 and set the stage for the remainder of Season 3.

Thank you for being with us on this journey.  We are so thankful for you!


Mark as Played
Last week we discussed the traits of a Toxic Leader.  This week we dive into what makes an Effective Leader.  Welcome to Episode 26!

Using real-world examples, we go through 5 essential traits of an effective leader, specifically in healthcare.  However, the traits are universal, regardless of industry.  We go through strategies and even delve a bit into the evidence behind the impact of effective leaders.

Episode 26 will wrap up the...
Mark as Played
June 18, 2024 27 mins
Have you ever been in a situation where you thought, "My leader is toxic!"?  

Welcome to Episode 25 where we discuss the traits of toxic leaders, and more importantly, what you can do if you have a toxic leader.  This is an important topic because of the havoc toxic leaders wreak on the teams they are leading, the organization, and from a healthcare perspective, ultimately on the patients.  

Mark as Played
June 11, 2024 25 mins
Think about the last time you drove to work and parked.  Did you notice how many "Reserved" spaces there are?  Did you notice what those "Reserved" spaces are for?  

Welcome to Episode 24 where we share some frustrations about a seemingly lack of patient-centered decision-making when it comes to parking.  Yes, parking can (and should) be patient-centered!  Specifically, we tackle "Reserved" physician parking, even with the threat of...
Mark as Played
June 4, 2024 26 mins
Have you ever stopped to think about how dehydration impacts your ability to care for patients?  Probably not...but there is an impact!  A 2018 study found that over 50% of nurses in hospital settings reported signs of dehydration during their shifts.  The impact?  Cognitive functions such as concentration, alertness, and short-term memory are impaired with dehydration, which can directly impact a nurse’s ability to perform tasks a...
Mark as Played
May 28, 2024 19 mins
Welcome to Episode 22!

In this Episode, we discuss two incredibly compassionate nurses who transformed the final days of a patient into a heartfelt and memorable experience. By surrounding him with his favorite things and the people he loved, they ensured his last days were filled with warmth and comfort...and a motorcycle parade!   The nurses described this act as the greatest honor of their careers, exemplifying the incredible pow...
Mark as Played
May 21, 2024 30 mins
Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to give someone feedback?  Perhaps this person is a colleague or peer and the feedback is difficult.

Welcome to Episode 21 where we discuss strategies for giving difficult feedback.  Based on a real-world example from Erin, we chat about different methods but ultimately land on a final conclusion...use what makes the most sense for YOU and learn the skill of feedback!

Mark as Played
May 14, 2024 33 mins
Welcome to Episode 20!

We give a brief life update on the cause of last week's delayed episode. It has been quite a week, but we are glad to be back!  Also, happy National Hospital Week!  This week is a great reminder that regardless of your job role, the work you do matters!

In this episode, we chat about an experience Erin had at work on the day of recording.  The episode centers around the question of if someone can only be compas...
Mark as Played
May 9, 2024 19 mins
Happy Nurses Week!

Welcome to Episode 19, where we chat about the importance of Nurses Week, specifically reflecting on the impact nurses make!  We also discuss the deals available at retailers for nurses to celebrate!

Plus, we go over a GREAT review from a listener in Canada!

We're sorry this episode is out late. The week has been a whirlwind of unexpected events—more on that next week!

Mark as Played
April 30, 2024 28 mins
Welcome to Episode 18, where we do something a little different and present a fascinating Case Study.  Your patient with a diagnosed TBI develops hyponatremia in the setting of hypovolemia.  What are you thinking?  What diagnostic tests should be ordered?  Have you ever considered Cerebral Salt Wasting?  We have a conversation about this rare condition.

Then, unexpectedly, we talk briefly about the Snack Shack time Brandon has durin...
Mark as Played
April 23, 2024 41 mins
Ever been at work and thought, "Why can't someone start doing that"? Eventually, the "someone" can turn into "I can do that".  And that is how Align Neurology started!

Welcome to Episode 17, where we discuss an exciting new development in our community—the opening of Align Neurology, an integrative headache clinic. Join us as we get to chat with Jamie, a dedicated RN, practitioner, business owner, and entrepreneur. Jamie has not onl...
Mark as Played
April 16, 2024 27 mins
Welcome to Episode 16!  In this episode, we delve into significant and likely costly upcoming changes affecting Virginia's EMS agency (and other states) hospital drug box exchange program. Due to new Federal regulations set to start later in 2024. Join us as we explore what these changes mean for the EMS services in Virginia, but more specifically, the communities our EMS teams serve.  

Mark as Played
April 9, 2024 27 mins
The constant connection to work-related messages has blurred the boundaries between professional responsibilities and personal time for many healthcare workers.  It is nearly impossible to disconnect!

Welcome to Episode 15 where we discuss AB2751, the "right to disconnect" bill recently introduced in California. The proposed law would legally establish a right for employees to disconnect in California state law and require every emp...
Mark as Played

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