Playdate is the new handheld that comes with a unique 1-bit screen and 24 free games! The Playdate Podcast takes you behind... more
'Oom' and 'Pullfrog' launched simultaneously on Playdate's Catalog last year,offering different—yet surprisingly complementary—gaming experiences. This special-format episode of the Playdate... more
Earlier this year, our Financial Controller, Jen, realized our Playdate inventory was 2,000 units short. How did that eventually lead... more
Faraway Fairway is a procedurally-generated mental health golf game--but what does that mean? Hedgehog Dreams Studio Head Rokashi talks about... more
Lucas Pope on how he builds games, what inspired him to create one for a younger audience, and what drew... more
For this final episode of the first season of the Playdate Podcast, Christa wanted to do something a little different.... more
Panic wants everyone to make games for Playdate, and creating better, more empathic stories—while diversifying the games industry—is key to... more
Everything is a remix, but how do you ensure you're paying homage to the things you love, rather than just... more
How would Panic approach making a game store? Designer Neven Mrgan, Playdate Developer Relations Head Arisa Sudangnoi, and Panic Co-Founder... more
Not a lot of people know that Panic made video games in the late '70s! Cabel Sasser fills us in... more
Creator TPMCO shares his game development philosophy and insights gleaned over decades of working on MSX systems. Inspired by side-... more