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On The Green Fence
On The Green Fence
DW.COM | Deutsche Welle

On the Green Fence lives up to its name in looking at complex, often divisive environmental issues from multiple angles. It’s not... more

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Can we recycle our way out of the plastic crisis?

Globally only 9% of all plastic waste is recycled. But why are mechanical recycling rates so low? And could chemical... more

21 Jul 2023 · 43 minutes
Why don't we use more bioplastics?

Substituting fossil-based plastics with compostable ones could help address plastic pollution. But not all bioplastics are eco-friendly or biodegradable. A... more

14 Jul 2023 · 35 minutes
Could plastic-eating enzymes help curb pollution?

Each year, millions of tons of plastic waste ends up in the environment where it can last for centuries. But... more

07 Jul 2023 · 35 minutes
The growing microplastics problem: risks and solutions

Microplastics have been found everywhere — from the deepest parts of the ocean to the heights of Mount Everest. A... more

30 Jun 2023 · 37 minutes
The plastics age: How did we get here?

Each year, the world produces 430 million tons of plastics – and that figure is set to triple by 2060.... more

23 Jun 2023 · 42 minutes
Trailer: The global plastics crisis, new podcast series

Global plastics production has doubled over the past two decades. Despite rising consumer awareness, there is more single-use plastic waste... more

02 Jun 2023 · 1 minute
More allergies due to climate change?

By 2050, half the world's population could be affected by at least one allergy. Is global warming to blame? Find... more

25 May 2023 · 24 minutes
How lab-grown meat could help the climate

Global demand for meat is growing, but animal agriculture has a significant carbon footprint. Could cultivating steaks, nuggets and sushi... more

19 May 2023 · 40 minutes
Climate crisis: Is cli-fi counterproductive?

Climate fiction has become a significant cultural phenomenon, reflecting the urgency of the climate crisis and the need for creative... more

12 May 2023 · 26 minutes
The rise of climate fiction

Cli-fi is growing increasingly popular as the climate crisis deepens. But could this mainly dystopian genre play a constructive role... more

05 May 2023 · 30 minutes
On The Green Fence
Can we recycle our way out of the plastic crisis?
On The Green Fence