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Free Time with Jenny Blake
Free Time with Jenny Blake
Jenny Blake

Set your time free through smarter systems so you can do more of your best work. Free Time launched in 2021 and... more

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🌈 Taking a Quiet Sabbatical and Pausing the Podcasts — For Now . . .

As I round the corner into this ninth year of podcasting and after over 700 episodes, today I’m announcing a... more

24 Feb 2024 · 21 minutes
“I am not a bank” — Strategies for Getting Corporate Clients to Pay on Time with Joey Coleman

“I don’t get on the airplane—and definitely not the stage—unless all invoices are paid in full.” When my friend and fellow... more

20 Feb 2024 · 1 hour, 1 minute
Strategies for Surpassing “The Magic Number” of Book Sales with Todd Sattersten

What mysterious ingredients make a book launch successful? What number of first-week and first-year sales truly make a difference to... more

16 Feb 2024 · 1 hour, 2 minutes
Insights from Google's Productivity Expert—On Saying No, Cozy Corners, The Laundry Method, and More with Laura Mae Martin

Laura Mae Martin has a fascinating role as the Executive Productivity Advisor at Google in the Office of the CEO—one... more

13 Feb 2024 · 40 minutes
The Framework Framework™️  (BFF Bonus Replay)

While the title of this episode, The Framework Framework™ is tongue-in-cheek, I’m pulling this out of the BFF bonus vault... more

09 Feb 2024 · 30 minutes
🦧 What to Do When You Lose Your Biggest Client (Part Two)

What do you do when you lose your biggest client? If you haven’t already, listen to part one for some... more

06 Feb 2024 · 34 minutes
🦧 What to Do When You Lose Your Biggest Client (Part One)

What do you do when you lose your biggest client? That was my Spotify search query for podcast episodes on... more

02 Feb 2024 · 38 minutes
Finding Product-Market-Founder Fit and Launching Downhill Sales Snowballs ☃️ through Relationship-Marketing with Michelle Warner

“I am great in the early, messy days and I know that about myself, so I designed my business around... more

30 Jan 2024 · 44 minutes
🪜Climbing Down the Entrepreneurial Ladder — Rolling in D🤦🏻‍♀️h

“Things today are waaayyyyy better than Things have ever been. Cavemen had sticks. In the Middle ages they had typhoid. We... more

26 Jan 2024 · 14 minutes
Cringe-Free Launches and Evergreen Sales Considerations with Anne Samoilov

If you’re anything like me, you may find conducting online launches for your programs or events exhausting and sometimes even... more

23 Jan 2024 · 41 minutes
How to Focus on Long-Term Thinking in a Short-Term World with Dorie Clark

“Whenever you have a choice of what to do, choose the more interesting path." In honor of our upcoming Free Time... more

19 Jan 2024 · 37 minutes
Crisis Communication Strategies with Aliza Licht

Before you post anything, ask: Why am I posting this? Is this within my brand guardrails? Even still, you may... more

16 Jan 2024 · 36 minutes
To Do—A Small Business Owner’s Checklist (Rolling in Doh Crossover)

What’s on your business owner to-do list? Here’s a peek at mine, full of items large, small, and existential. This... more

12 Jan 2024 · 17 minutes
How to Become a Friction Fixer with Huggy Rao

“We don’t want our time to be spread thin like peanut butter on a slice of toast. You will have... more

09 Jan 2024 · 38 minutes
Behind-the-Business: 1:1 Voxer Coaching Summer Pop-Up—Structure, Systems, and Pricing (Listener Q&A from Renee)

I'm so excited to bring you a listener submission today from Renee Rubin Ross about my summer Voxer coaching pop-up.... more

05 Jan 2024 · 26 minutes
Operationalizing Kindness and Absolute Excellence while Building Birch Coffee with Paul Schlader

“It wasn’t about being better than others, it was being ourselves, and true to our ideals in our work.” That’s... more

02 Jan 2024 · 38 minutes
8 Lessons Learned from 8+ Years of Podcasting (Pivot Crossover)

Today is a crossover episode from the Pivot podcast celebrating eight lessons learned from over eight years of podcasting. The Free... more

29 Dec 2023 · 36 minutes
Channeling Main Character Energy into Writing a Debut Novel with Jamie Varon

“’Something I always say: at the very least, do it for the plot. Do it for the story. Be bold... more

26 Dec 2023 · 48 minutes
Taking an Accidental Sabbatical with Mel Dizon

”In a society that glorifies titles, visibility, reach, and the grind, taking a beat to opt out of all that... more

22 Dec 2023 · 51 minutes
Simply Put—Reducing Friction on Sales Pages and in Business Communication with Ben Guttmann

Just because you use pretty words that sound nice doesn’t mean they are effective. Although we know what we do... more

19 Dec 2023 · 36 minutes
Do what you love and the money will follow . . . IF you meet at least 3 of these 20 criteria (Rolling in D🤦🏻‍♀️h)

The phrase is emblazoned at WeWorks across the globe: in large neon lights across lobby walls, bedecking laptops via swag... more

15 Dec 2023 · 20 minutes
Systems for Selling Over One Million Books with Josh Kaufman

“The biggest breakthroughs came from the random side projects that I had no expectation would turn into anything.” Josh Kaufman... more

12 Dec 2023 · 43 minutes
Four Brand Personas, Biggest Mistakes, and Best/Worst Clients with Adam Chaloeicheep

Are you running a Franken-Brand? A quick, inexpensive logo here. And then someone a few months later tries to write... more

08 Dec 2023 · 42 minutes
Has your Business Brand Become a Liability? How to Know When It’s Time for a Tune-up with Adam Chaloeicheep

Has your business brand become stale, perhaps to the point of being a liability? After a few years, especially with... more

05 Dec 2023 · 46 minutes
The Unsustainability of Inauthenticity with Erin Weed

What do you do when a business area becomes energetically draining, or the income isn’t flowing? Today’s guest has many... more

01 Dec 2023 · 48 minutes
Business Development Misfires and Best Practices with Terry Rice

How can you get paid for who you are, not just what you do? Today’s guest, Terry Rice, is teaching... more

28 Nov 2023 · 32 minutes
Asking Better Questions and Designing Your Ideal Day with Claire Giovino

“What am I pretending not to know?” There is tremendous power in asking better questions, whether it comes to ideal... more

24 Nov 2023 · 38 minutes
Engineering Serendipity and Best Practices for Community-Building with David Spinks

"For the first time in a decade, I feel free again." That’s how one of my earliest blogging friends, longtime... more

21 Nov 2023 · 57 minutes
From Commoditized Content to Visionary Quests + Digital Doppelgängers with Andrew Davis

“The world doesn’t need another expert.” So says today’s guest, Andrew Davis. Experts rely on hacks, tips, tricks, teaching, preaching,... more

17 Nov 2023 · 48 minutes
Finding Freedom and Financial Reciprocity through a Paid Newsletter with Nic Antoinette

“You do not need to cannibalize your healing for content.” Today, I’m in conversation with longtime blog-turned-IRL friend Nic Antoinette,... more

14 Nov 2023 · 1 hour, 3 minutes
3 Ingredients to Fill a Program Faster When Launching (BFF Bonus Replay)

If you have been in business for any amount of time, then you know the feeling when a launch just... more

10 Nov 2023 · 30 minutes
“Don’t Wait Until You’re an Expert” — Scratch Your Own Curiosity Itch with Nir Eyal

“I only write books for problems I can’t otherwise solve,” Nir Eyal says. “I don’t write my books for my... more

07 Nov 2023 · 40 minutes
Why Revenue Goals Don’t Work (For Me)

Abundance was my word of 2019. I’d love to tell you I meant abundance in the broadest possible sense, appreciating the bounty... more

03 Nov 2023 · 20 minutes
Rest Easy with Ximena Vengoechea

What is your relationship to rest? How about your caretakers’ relationship to rest while you were young? What examples did... more

31 Oct 2023 · 47 minutes
Ignore the Odds — Rolling in D🤦🏻‍♀️h Crossover

“Startup CEOs should not play the odds. When you are building a company, you must believe there is an answer... more

27 Oct 2023 · 18 minutes
Minimizing the Social Overhead of Managing Teams with Charlie Gilkey

You can calm chaos at work, but it starts with a reality check from Charlie Gilkey, delivered with his signature... more

24 Oct 2023 · 56 minutes
11 Practices to Strengthen Business Intuition (Part Two)

“As long as we settle for thinking inside the brain, we’ll remain bound by the limits of that organ. But... more

20 Oct 2023 · 27 minutes
On Sensitive CEOs and Building a Soulful Business with Rose Cox

I’m excited to bring you this crossover episode with Rose Cox, founder of The HSP Business School and host of... more

17 Oct 2023 · 37 minutes
11 Practices to Strengthen Business Intuition (Part One)

Intuition is always speaking to you in subtle ways. Are you listening? Intuition isn’t a gift that is only bestowed on... more

13 Oct 2023 · 31 minutes
Building and Selling a Profitable Content-Based Business with David Thomas Tao

“Let’s build ESPN.com for strength, and convince everyone they can lift weights.” With this mission in mind, the first six... more

10 Oct 2023 · 45 minutes
What’s Your Ratio of Quantity to Quality for Ongoing Creative Work?

“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” —Maya Angelou Earlier this summer, I arrived late... more

06 Oct 2023 · 29 minutes
How (and When) to Trust Yourself and Others with Ilise Benun

When we say trusting ourselves, which self are we talking about? Which parts of ourselves can’t be trusted? That’s what we’re exploring... more

03 Oct 2023 · 55 minutes
😬 On Moving Through Vulnerability Hangovers — Preview of October Bonus for Paying Subscribers

This is a free preview of this month's bonus episode for paying Free Time subscribers. Listen to the full episode... more

02 Oct 2023 · 13 minutes
The Burdensome B’s—Four Red Flags Signaling it’s Time to Make The Big (Delegation) Leap

“I’m at my wit's end.” That was the conclusion of a text message that broke my heart a little bit.... more

29 Sep 2023 · 28 minutes
🎁 The Best Gifting Strategies and Biggest Mistakes with John Ruhlin

“Nobody’s soul is moved by swag.” So says longtime friendtor of the pod, John Ruhlin, founder of strategic gifting company... more

26 Sep 2023 · 30 minutes
Is your business a hot mess? If yes, let's celebrate — Rolling in D🤦🏻‍♀️h

I used to refer to myself as a hot mess often in the early blogging days circa 2008, until someone... more

22 Sep 2023 · 14 minutes
How to Write a Must-Read Nonfiction Book with AJ Harper

“A book is not about something. A book is for someone.” That’s the mantra that drives AJ Harper’s work, that... more

19 Sep 2023 · 46 minutes
Create a See You Soon Kit for Clients — Jacq’s Favorite Time-Saving System

Do you already have an elegant way of wrapping up with clients? If you work with people one-on-one, it's important... more

15 Sep 2023 · 13 minutes
The Confidence Trap: Why You Don’t Need It to Do Big Things (SPARKED Crossover)

“Have you ever looked at someone else, someone you admire, who has accomplished a lot, and just assumed they must... more

12 Sep 2023 · 43 minutes
Why I Migrated My Three Email Lists to Substack (BFF Bonus Replay)

Now that I’m one month into Rolling in D🤦🏻‍♀️h, I’m sharing my reflections on Substack as a software platform for personal writing (and potentially... more

08 Sep 2023 · 42 minutes
Publishing and Personal Writing Pointers with Jennie Nash

“I see in books,” says today’s guest. “Every book is, at its heart, an argument for something—for a belief, a... more

05 Sep 2023 · 52 minutes
The One Thing You Should Do Now for Next Summer

I broke one of my own big rules this summer. For the last few weeks, I've been kicking myself, saying,... more

01 Sep 2023 · 19 minutes
3 Creative Lessons Learned from 7+ Years of Podcasting (Pivot Crossover)

Since launching this show in September 2015, the podcasting landscape has grown and changed tremendously. What was once a niche... more

25 Aug 2023 · 46 minutes
ChatGPT as Universal Intern and Permission Not to Be a Billionaire with Kevin Kelly (Pivot Crossover)

“Cultivate 12 people who love you, because they are worth more than 12 million people who like you.” That’s just one... more

22 Aug 2023 · 43 minutes
Feeling Impostery? Become a Qualified Curator Instead of an End-All-Be-All Expert (Pivot Crossover)

Self-doubt isn’t all bad. It means you’re stretching outside of your comfort zone, that you’re willing to learn, and that... more

18 Aug 2023 · 15 minutes
Five Types of People-Pleasers from The Joy of Saying No with Natalie Lue (Pivot Crossover)

As “recovering people pleaser” Natalie Lue opens her book, The Joy of Saying No, “Suppressing and repressing my needs, desires,... more

15 Aug 2023 · 47 minutes
🥂 You're Invited! IRL Business Bestie Brunch VIP Day+ (Early Bird Pricing Ends 9/1/23)

I'm super excited to pilot a "what would we invent if anything were possible" experience this quarter—and you're invited! Join me and... more

11 Aug 2023 · 2 minutes
“Don’t Suffer Twice” (Pivot Crossover)

Today’s solo riff is on a three-word phrase that has helped quell countless waves of anxiety in the decade since... more

11 Aug 2023 · 14 minutes
Who’s Sitting in the Board Room of Your Brain? with Adrian Klaphaak (Pivot Crossover)

Who is sitting in the boardroom of your brain? Who is sitting around the table, challenging your decisions, making noise,... more

08 Aug 2023 · 1 hour, 3 minutes
Are You Future-Tripping? (Pivot Crossover)

As the saying goes, “Worrying is praying for what you don’t want.” A close cousin is future-tripping: projecting and living... more

04 Aug 2023 · 39 minutes
10+ Conference Networking Strategies with Alisa Cohn (Pivot Crossover)

Attending conferences can be overwhelming — even for the most excited extroverts among us—let alone the introverts who challenge their... more

01 Aug 2023 · 1 hour, 1 minute
Knot a Care—Sailing the Free Time Seas with Joy and Ease

“My little pirate.” That’s the nickname Michael has given me this summer, as it feels like many of my corporate... more

28 Jul 2023 · 25 minutes
From Lost and Founder to Chill Work with Rand Fishkin

“When you’re in debt to the truth, the interest rate sucks.” That’s just one of many so-true-it-hurts gems in Rand... more

25 Jul 2023 · 56 minutes
😇 Delight Is in the Details

What do Manuka honey, brown M&Ms, chocolate milk, vanilla gelato, rose petals, fair trade bananas, and Twizzlers have in common?... more

21 Jul 2023 · 26 minutes
Geeking Out on Client-Facing Pages + Favorite Notion Templates with Karen Allen

The best systems aren’t cumbersome sources of frustration collecting dust in the cloud—they save you so much time, that creating... more

18 Jul 2023 · 45 minutes
🦊 Celebrate the Small Fixes, aka Your Business Rose 🌹

In 2021, I paid nearly a thousand dollars to hire a plumber to fix something that wasn't absolutely necessary and... more

14 Jul 2023 · 21 minutes
Why Paul Millerd Turned Down a $200K Two-Book Traditional Publishing Deal

From a certain outside perspective, turning down a $200,000 two-book deal from a traditional publishing house makes no sense. But... more

11 Jul 2023 · 54 minutes
8 Benefits and Strategies for Managing a Shared Team Inbox Through HelpScout

Today, I’m sharing eight reasons I really appreciate having a team inbox using HelpScout. They’re not paying for this episode;... more

07 Jul 2023 · 27 minutes
Riding the Emotional Rollercoaster of Launching with Natalie Lue

Today we’re going behind the scenes of book launching, sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly (cries) resulting from... more

04 Jul 2023 · 56 minutes
🎉 20+ Free Time Permission Slips for Small Business Owners (Part 2)

Welcome to our #200 celebration...part two! 🎉 These next 20 permission slips all about mindset, staying in the game, and the spiritual... more

30 Jun 2023 · 23 minutes
Never Lose a Team Member Again with Joey Coleman

You’ve heard of buyers remorse—but what about new hire’s remorse? That is the feeling of worry, regret or uncertainty that... more

27 Jun 2023 · 48 minutes
🎉 20+ Free Time Permission Slips for Small Business Owners (Part 1)

Hey, hey, Free Timers, we have arrived at episode 200! 🎉 To celebrate, I’m giving you the ultimate permission slip compilation... more

23 Jun 2023 · 27 minutes
Creating Happier Hours and the Diminishing Returns of Too Much Free Time With Cassie Holmes

What’s the daily free time sweet spot? Between two to five hours, according to today’s guest, professor and researcher Cassie... more

20 Jun 2023 · 47 minutes
Book Club ✨ OUTRAGEOUS OPENNESS: Letting the Divine Take the Lead by Tosha Silver

When you catch a wishie, what do you yearn for? Today’s book club episode might shift your “wish” hereafter to... more

16 Jun 2023 · 24 minutes
Growth Loops + Why it’s Better to be Respected than Liked with Todd Herman

“Liking is the great fog of the mind.”—Todd Herman You’ve heard the adage that people need to know, like, and trust... more

13 Jun 2023 · 46 minutes
🍩 What Do Donuts, Coffee, Conversation, and Energy Cliffs Have in Common? (My Mini Daily Audio Diary from Attending TED 2023)

What’s it like to be at a conference with “fancy” people, when you’re the one feeling like you snuck in... more

09 Jun 2023 · 50 minutes
Traversing the Dark Forests of Creativity and Business with Jessica Abel

Does the world really need this? This is one of the inevitable existential dilemmas of creative work. You have to... more

06 Jun 2023 · 54 minutes
🤖Top 10 Favorite Recent GPT Prompts for Creative Business Owners (BFF Bonus Replay)

Today I'm sharing ten more of my favorite recent GPT4 prompts and experiments for creative business owners. This episode originally aired... more

02 Jun 2023 · 33 minutes
Sabbatical Planning with DJ DiDonna

The average American worker gets 11 days of paid vacation per year. Among those with unlimited paid time off (PTO), the... more

30 May 2023 · 45 minutes
📲 5 Creative Ways to Better Organize Your Phone Contacts

Today I'm sharing five creative ways to better organize your phone contacts. I hope it’s helpful and time-saving toward a... more

26 May 2023 · 20 minutes
Structuring Free Time as a Single Parent while Grieving and Rebuilding with Karen Allen

“Small hinges move big doors.” That one thought helped Karen Allen pick herself up from the depths of grief after... more

23 May 2023 · 51 minutes
🏝️ I'd love to work with you 1:1! Join us for the Free Time Summer Voxer Coaching Pop-up 😎

Hi friends! A quick in-beteween-isode to let you know about a special opportunity to work with me 1:1 :) Back by... more

19 May 2023 · 1 minute
🐍 How the Cobra Effect Creates Perverse Incentives and Metrics Tyranny

Time- and money-based targets don’t always serve the purpose we intend. In fact, sometimes, they actively work against us. Today... more

19 May 2023 · 31 minutes
💡Jay Acunzo’s IP Development OS — Courtesy of Creator Kitchen

In episode 181: Be Irreplaceable, you heard from my creative coach, Jay Acunzo about how to prioritize resonanceover reach. I’ve been working with Jay for... more

16 May 2023 · 28 minutes
Energy Capacity Planning, Pricing, and Finding Resonant Masterminds with Kelli Thompson

When today’s guest, Kelli Thompson, was overwhelmed by opportunity—a level of success she had been dreaming of and working diligently... more

12 May 2023 · 48 minutes
Licensing 201 — Q&A (Part 2) on Pricing + Packaging, Train-the-Trainer, Delivery, and Legal

Today’s episode is the second half of an in-depth Licensing Q&A prompted by BFF Al Dea, host of the MBA Insider podcast. If you haven’t... more

09 May 2023 · 48 minutes
Licensing 201 — Q&A (Part 1) on Product Development, Attracting Clients, and Sales Process

“A shoe is just a shoe until my son steps into it.” —Deloris Jordan When negotiating Michael Jordan's famous shoe deal with... more

05 May 2023 · 48 minutes
How Licensing Helps Serve the Queen Bee Role + Stop Keeping up with the EntrepreJoneses with Mike Michalowicz

I'm excited to bring you an episode from the Pivot podcast vault today—this is a conversation with a longtime friendtor,... more

02 May 2023 · 57 minutes
🚂 Train Tracks vs. Tightrope 🩰

It was a hot summer day, and I’m grumbling while dragging a rolling carry-on suitcase full of books to sign... more

28 Apr 2023 · 26 minutes
Letting Go of Productivity Guilt with Madeleine Dore

“You have to live spherically—in many directions. Never lose your childish enthusiasm—and things will come your way.” —Federico Fellini This week’s... more

25 Apr 2023 · 46 minutes
🏚️ The Challenges of Renovating a (Business) House while Living in It

📣 We’re publishing this week’s solo episode a day early as a friendly reminder that the Free Time podcast is nominated... more

20 Apr 2023 · 39 minutes
Webby voting ends tomorrow! Please cast your vote for Free Time by EOD Tomorrow (4/20) 🙏

Hi Friends! I'm re-airing this announcement as a friendly reminder that the Free Time podcast has made it to the... more

19 Apr 2023 · 7 minutes
Be Irreplaceable with My Creative Coach Jay Acunzo

📣 The Free Time podcast is nominated for a Webby Award, the "Oscars of the Internet!" Please visit http://itsfreetime.com/webby to cast... more

18 Apr 2023 · 53 minutes
📉 Diminishing Returns and the True Costs of Shiny Shoulds

📣 The Free Time podcast is nominated for a Webby Award, the "Oscars of the Internet!" Please visit http://itsfreetime.com/webby to cast... more

14 Apr 2023 · 38 minutes
Video-Free Business and Intuitive Writing with Jacqueline Fisch

📣 The Free Time podcast is nominated for a Webby Award, the "Oscars of the Internet!" Please visit http://itsfreetime.com/webby to cast... more

11 Apr 2023 · 44 minutes
📕Book Club — 3 Big Ideas from SAVING TIME by Jenny Odell

📣 The Free Time podcast is nominated for a Webby Award, the "Oscars of the Internet!" Please visit http://itsfreetime.com/webby to cast... more

07 Apr 2023 · 38 minutes
Free Time is Nominated for a Webby! I'd love your help casting a vote :)

Friends!! I can't believe it!! The Free Time podcast has made it to the nomination stage of the Webby Awards,... more

06 Apr 2023 · 7 minutes
“Don’t scale too soon” — On Books and Mission-Based Business-Building with Readwise Cofounder Daniel Doyon

I’m delighted to welcome Daniel Doyon to the pod this week, co-founder of one of my favorite software services, Readwise.... more

04 Apr 2023 · 45 minutes
🍪 What’s the Chocolate Chip Banana Bread in Your Business?🍌

“Business, like life, is all about how you make people feel. It's that simple, and it's that hard.” —Danny Meyer,... more

31 Mar 2023 · 42 minutes
Give Yourself a Raise with Erin Haag

“You are making a choice every time you undercharge.” How’s that for a splash of cold water to the face?!... more

28 Mar 2023 · 46 minutes
What Book Marketing has to do with Glass Blowing: Reflecting on Free Time’s 1-Year Bookiversary 🥂

🎉 This week marks the one-year bookiversary of Free Time making its way into the world, and the two-year podiversary of... more

24 Mar 2023 · 45 minutes
Cut Your Losses—Even While Pivoting in Public—with Khe Hy

“How did you go bankrupt?" Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.” —Ernest Hemingway That’s the kick-off quote from returning guest Khe Hy’s... more

21 Mar 2023 · 54 minutes
Free Time Isn’t Just for the Fun Days

Free Time. The phrase connotes, leisure, fun, time off, vacation—as if we're skipping through meadows with butterflies! 🦋and unicorns!🦄 But if... more

17 Mar 2023 · 16 minutes
Discovering Your Divine Assignment with Melissa Hughes (while Building with Grace and Ease)

“What’s the highest level I can serve?” That’s one of the driving questions that today’s guest, Melissa Hughes, helps business... more

14 Mar 2023 · 47 minutes
🌈 “Imagine a World of Abundance” ✨

Feeling slow, stuck, uncertain, or in the midst of a morale dip? If so, today’s minisode is for you—or for... more

10 Mar 2023 · 18 minutes
Running a Goal-Free Business with Stephen Shapiro

Stephen Shapiro is a quintessential Free Timer. Throughout his 20+ year self-employment tenure, he has run a variety of experiments... more

07 Mar 2023 · 46 minutes
Five Ways to Reduce Overwhelm When Writing (aka Thinking)

One of the biggest lessons I learned from author Nassim Taleb is that whenever he finds himself bored with what... more

03 Mar 2023 · 27 minutes
How to Transform Your Approach to Community-Building with Gina Bianchini

How do we use technology to facilitate real relationships? That’s the big question driving Gina Bianchini’s epic entrepreneurial quest. Today... more

28 Feb 2023 · 28 minutes
Crashing into Quiet Time 🏝️

How many times have you gone skidding into vacation, arriving exhausted from trying to “earn” it before you leave? Then... more

24 Feb 2023 · 24 minutes
Are Your Clients Bringing Out the Best in You? Engineering the Evolution of Your Business with Ilise Benun

Here are a few food-for-thought reflection questions, inspired by today’s guest: Are you working with amateur clients or ones who... more

21 Feb 2023 · 31 minutes
Let’s Talk Royalties re: Publishing Options (Part Two)

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “A book is a business card.” That’s because what you don’t hear is that a... more

17 Feb 2023 · 41 minutes
Leveraging Idea Kernels to Create Compelling Content with Khe Hy

Prolific punchy pontificator Khe Hy—creator of the $10K work accelerator and Supercharge Your Productivity—returns to the pod to share his... more

14 Feb 2023 · 34 minutes
Should You Self-Publish? (Part One)

Should you self-publish? This is a big debate among aspiring authors, and there is no one right answer. Today I’m... more

10 Feb 2023 · 43 minutes
Inbox Taming with Yaro Starak

Processing email and social media inboxes is overwhelming enough for one person — can you imagine creating an entire company... more

07 Feb 2023 · 50 minutes
How to Get Better at Spotting Automation Opportunities — 5 Questions to Ask

Do you ever feel like you’re just not good with systems? If so, then this episode is for you. The... more

03 Feb 2023 · 28 minutes
Time Blocking Together with Jess & Dave Radparvar

Juggling a schedule for one person is tricky enough; for a two-entrepreneur household with kids, it’s another thing altogether! Learn... more

31 Jan 2023 · 47 minutes
How to Decide on a Book (or Big Idea) Topic—10 Filters

One of the most common questions from those accessing the Author Toolkit (an assembly of my best-open-sourced templates and processes... more

27 Jan 2023 · 28 minutes
Downshifting to a Delightfully Part-Team Team with Laura Roeder

What type of business would you build if you no longer needed the money? After a life-changing exit from her... more

24 Jan 2023 · 55 minutes
8 Idea Generation Strategies

I had high hopes for the first couple of weeks of the year, but I rang in 2023 in bed,... more

20 Jan 2023 · 29 minutes
How to Run Strategy Sprints + Scale by Certifying Coaches with Simon Severino

What’s the right thing to do, and how do we do it quickly? In this conversation with Strategy Sprints founder... more

17 Jan 2023 · 43 minutes
The Hard No ❌

As I shared in last week’s solo episode, Free Time isn’t about time management or productivity, or even simply doing... more

13 Jan 2023 · 19 minutes
Behind the Podcast — Increasing Serendipity Surface Area — Mic Flip with Matthew Thompson

Imagine my surprise when, on the Saturday before I was set to be interviewed on a podcast last summer, my... more

10 Jan 2023 · 1 hour, 6 minutes
Do Less — On Entropic Bloat & Business Haircuts ✂️

As I share in Free Time, nowhere is entropy more visually evident than in older homes or ones in nature.... more

06 Jan 2023 · 24 minutes
Calm Time Chaos with Laura Vanderkam

If life is a circus, then maybe there’s a way to get better at performing in it. As Laura shares... more

03 Jan 2023 · 42 minutes
Set Your Compass—Systems vs. Goals

Welcome Deep Questions with Cal Newport listeners! I had so much fun recording the "Help me do less!" episode —... more

30 Dec 2022 · 20 minutes
Liberate Your Life Force with Christine Arylo

"I never serve from my reserves" is just one of countless gems from one of my wisest friends, Christine Arylo.... more

27 Dec 2022 · 50 minutes
12 Systems-Thinking Steps for Moving from Friction to Flow

Free Time for Your Future Self: For any area of your business that causes friction, run through these systems-thinking questions... more

23 Dec 2022 · 23 minutes
Building a Second Brain with Tiago Forte

What is your relationship to information? Scattered and chaotic, or clear and navigable? Do you have streamlined systems for saving,... more

20 Dec 2022 · 43 minutes
Top Ten Lessons from 💯 Episodes

This best of episode is a replay of the 100th episode of this show since launching on March 21, 2021.... more

16 Dec 2022 · 42 minutes
Run Your Business with Exquisite Greatness and Tiny Art Projects with Alexandra Franzen

How has Alexandra Franzen built two thriving businesses without social media? By delivering work with a quality I like to... more

13 Dec 2022 · 1 hour, 2 minutes
Top 10 Free Time Principles

Just a few days after launch, Free Time topped many Amazon charts! Although "making the lists" is not something I... more

09 Dec 2022 · 40 minutes
Eliminate Email with Cal Newport

“Stab the Hydra in the heart.” Cal Newport is not pulling any punches with his latest treatise on how we... more

06 Dec 2022 · 53 minutes
💸 3 Strategies to Set Your Time Free in 2023!

What steps can you take now to free your time far into the future? Long-time listeners know this is one... more

02 Dec 2022 · 22 minutes
Tips, Tools & Must Have’s for Content Creators with Kim Kaupe

According to SignalFire, the fastest growing type of small business is one that revolves around content creation, also known as... more

29 Nov 2022 · 59 minutes
How to Build a Business Operations Dashboard

Your creativity and entrepreneurial spirit got you here. Smarter systems will take you there. There is less friction in your operations... more

25 Nov 2022 · 26 minutes
How to Set Up Brand Partnerships with Justin Moore

If you’re a business owner thinking, “My platform is too small to land sponsors,” today’s guest will encourage you to... more

22 Nov 2022 · 52 minutes
New? Help Us Welcome the Next You (A Message for Your New Team Members)

There’s a missing chapter in Free Time that, over the course of editing, got condensed down into a single bullet... more

18 Nov 2022 · 18 minutes
Tips for Training Part-Time Team Members with Kaneisha Grayson

For many of us running Delightfully Tiny Teams, the ideal team set-up is one where no one works full time... more

15 Nov 2022 · 46 minutes
The Antidote to Business FOMO: You Have Already Arrived

How do you define enough? Today, Jenny is sharing a bonus episode from the private BFF podcast feed where she’s... more

11 Nov 2022 · 19 minutes
Exploring Time, Money, and Energy Capacity with Tara McMullin and Charlie Gilkey (Replay)

Do we really all have the same 24 hours as Beyoncé? That’s our tongue-in-cheek title, pulled from Tara McMullin’s new... more

08 Nov 2022 · 58 minutes
Pick the Low-Hanging Watermelon

You’ve heard the term low-hanging fruit: the easiest thing you can do to make the biggest possible impact in your... more

04 Nov 2022 · 17 minutes
Process, Permission Slips, and Business Pivots with Tara McMullin

What do you do when your business model is no longer working for you? When your current income streams and... more

01 Nov 2022 · 58 minutes
How to License Your IP (Intellectual Property)

Licensing your IP to companies can be lucrative and a tough nut to crack. Pricing is opaque, deliverables and tracking... more

28 Oct 2022 · 43 minutes
Paid Newsletter Secrets and Organizing Knowledge with David Elikwu

“Build an email list,” is business advice equivalent to “Make sure you breathe.” We all know it’s a best practice... more

25 Oct 2022 · 46 minutes
Stop Sailing the Sea of Shiny Shoulds

Today I’m sharing a section from Free Time about one of the topics interviewers ask me about most: Sailing the... more

21 Oct 2022 · 17 minutes
Attracting Clients Through TikTok (without Letting the Algorithm Drive You) with Inna Aizenshtein

As you all may well know by now, I am a social media curmudgeon. But that doesn’t mean I’m not... more

18 Oct 2022 · 46 minutes
Why I Stopped Exploring Selling the Pivot Brand and Business

In the spirit of “truth while it’s fresh,” one of my core values for this podcast, today I’m sharing a... more

14 Oct 2022 · 40 minutes
How to Rapidly Prototype a Course (Pivot Replay from Dec. 2019)

Creating online courses does not require a huge investment in time or money. Although they certainly can cost tens of... more

11 Oct 2022 · 47 minutes
How I Prepare for In-Person Speaking Engagements

My heart was thumping out of my chest as I sat at the front of the room for my first... more

07 Oct 2022 · 33 minutes
Hire People Who Are Better Than You with Terri Trespicio

Are the systems I share on this show and in Free Time just a “Jenny Blake Thing?” Rest assured, the... more

04 Oct 2022 · 38 minutes
You’re Invited to Hooky Headquarters (HHQ)

It is a small miracle of motivation that you are listening to this episode. When it was time to record,... more

30 Sep 2022 · 29 minutes
Scaling Joy While Streamlining Business Overhead and Navigating ADHD with Kaneisha Grayson

Would earning $1 million dollars in revenue this year solve all of your problems? It might, but it could also... more

27 Sep 2022 · 51 minutes
Day in the Life of a Podcast Episode and How I Prepare for Guests

Consistently creating high-quality content can be challenging. To practice what I call ongoing original public thinking, I am often brainstorming... more

23 Sep 2022 · 23 minutes
The $10K Work Framework with Khe Hy

Think of your day-to-day work as fitting into one of four quadrants, as defined by today’s guest Khe Hy in... more

20 Sep 2022 · 52 minutes
A Tale of Two Teas: 🫖 On Botching the Basics and Correcting Mistakes (Or Not)

Nothing makes me more frustrated than poorly run companies that essentially steal time and money from the customers through bureaucracy... more

16 Sep 2022 · 34 minutes
Protect Your Idea Factory, Build a Creative Flywheel, and Go Behind-the-Scenes of Book Publishing with Todd Henry

Today’s guest is an expert in cultivating creativity — and in remaining consistent over the long arc of content creation.... more

13 Sep 2022 · 44 minutes
Creating Time Buffer—7 Strategies for Spacious Scheduling

“If you’re on time you're late.” That’s one of my favorite mantras that I picked up from my dad, second... more

09 Sep 2022 · 42 minutes
How to Create Your Own CRM with Alex Sherwood

If there’s one software question that invokes a near-universal groan among small business owners, it’s “What do you use for... more

06 Sep 2022 · 45 minutes
JB’s 5 C’s System for Content Curation and Production

How often do you feel blocked when it comes to creating new content? If you want to be more consistent... more

02 Sep 2022 · 26 minutes
“Pricing is Branding” — Anti-Time Management with Richie Norton

“Time collapses when something you think takes 100 steps takes only one.” That’s just one of many gems from this... more

30 Aug 2022 · 59 minutes
My Top 5 Sources of Recurring Revenue

As I ask in the introduction to Free Time: What revenue streams are in that oh-so-sweet-spot of profit, ease, and... more

26 Aug 2022 · 27 minutes
How to Steer Through a Downturn and Stop Micromanaging with Annie Hyman Pratt

Take it from a self-described “recovering micromanager,” Annie Hyman Pratt: people are the most underleveraged, underutilized asset you have in... more

23 Aug 2022 · 46 minutes
Transform Your To-Do List into a Results List — Leanne’s Favorite Time-Saving System

Is your to-do list piled to the sky with uninspiring tasks? Wait until you hear this listener submission from Leanne,... more

19 Aug 2022 · 11 minutes
In Systems We Trust with Marquis Murray

“Why would someone fly you across the world to do business with them?” That powerful question from a mentor in... more

16 Aug 2022 · 49 minutes
Be a Daymaker

Living in New York City for over a decade, I’ve woken up to many a strange sight over the years:... more

12 Aug 2022 · 14 minutes
Tiny Marketing Actions with Pamela Slim

Do you shy away from marketing and metrics, or have trouble figuring out more of your ideal clients? If so,... more

09 Aug 2022 · 55 minutes
What’s Keeping You Up At Night? On Business Mosquitoes

“If you think you’re too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room.”... more

05 Aug 2022 · 20 minutes
Successfully Taking Over as CEO from a Founder (MBS) with Shannon Minifie

We talk about The Fiji Test often here at Free Time HQ on documentation and making ourselves replaceable every day.... more

02 Aug 2022 · 42 minutes
“Failure is the Frame, Not the Picture”

We’ve got a Grab Bag this week with three favorite time-saving techniques, starting with an image I can’t get out... more

29 Jul 2022 · 16 minutes
Pivoting from Breather to Practice While Setting Better Boundaries with Julien Smith

Sometimes it seems like being a jerk pays off. Society often seems to reward the leaders who don’t mind stepping... more

26 Jul 2022 · 45 minutes
My 3 Biggest Business Regrets

As tough as it is to stomach sometimes, regret can be a helpful catalyst. As Daniel Pink shares in his... more

22 Jul 2022 · 22 minutes
Building a Second Brain with Tiago Forte

What is your relationship to information? Scattered and chaotic, or clear and navigable? Do you have streamlined systems for saving,... more

19 Jul 2022 · 43 minutes
Are You Bordering on Bottlenecked or Chief Everything Officer? Free Time Quiz Results

Are your business activities at the intersection of revenue, ease, and joy? If not, are you aware of what does... more

15 Jul 2022 · 45 minutes
Winning the Week with Demir Bentley

“A big life can weigh a lot . . . That’s why I was overworked—I was chasing the long-tail of... more

12 Jul 2022 · 52 minutes
How to Run a Scaled Coaching Team with Notion

If you’re the bottleneck in a service-based business, consider freeing your time by building your bench. That is what I’ve... more

08 Jul 2022 · 20 minutes
How to Know When You’ve Gotten Pricing Wrong with Jacquette M. Timmons

Are you pricing your products and services in an abundant sweet spot or a scarcity-inducing sink hole? How can you... more

05 Jul 2022 · 51 minutes
Splatology—On Clearing Time Clutter

Have you ever driven down a highway and gotten a whole bunch of bugs sadly splattered on your windshield? Eventually,... more

01 Jul 2022 · 23 minutes
“Don’t write the wrong book!” with David Moldawer (Part Two)

Are you winding down the path of writing the wrong book? What does it take to create a marketing tipping... more

28 Jun 2022 · 44 minutes
Save Someone Next Steps

So you’re getting good at saving yourself time; but what about saving other people’s time? How creative are you at... more

24 Jun 2022 · 20 minutes
How to Land a Literary Agent and Publisher with David Moldawer (Part One)

What takes a book proposal past the slush pile onto a publisher’s deal sheet? How do you get the attention... more

21 Jun 2022 · 30 minutes
12 Systems-Thinking Steps for Moving from Friction to Flow

Free Time for Your Future Self: For any area of your business that causes friction, run through these systems-thinking questions... more

17 Jun 2022 · 23 minutes
Run Your Business with Exquisite Greatness and Tiny Art Projects with Alexandra Franzen

How has Alexandra Franzen built two thriving businesses without social media? By delivering work with a quality I like to... more

14 Jun 2022 · 1 hour, 2 minutes
Top Ten Lessons from 💯 Episodes

Dearest Free Timers: I can’t believe it, but this marks the 100th episode of this show since launching on March... more

10 Jun 2022 · 42 minutes
How to Find Your Perfect Problem with Jim McKelvey (Part Two)

Finding the perfect problem is like falling in love. You can’t always choose the when or the what, but when... more

07 Jun 2022 · 42 minutes
How to Build Your Minimum Viable Team (MVT)

There is a Goldilocks quality to designing a Delightfully Tiny Team, a horseshoe of team happiness. Too small, and you... more

03 Jun 2022 · 39 minutes
How to Find Your Perfect Problem with Jim McKelvey, author of The Innovation Stack (Part One)

How can you find — and attempt the great feat of solving — your perfect problem? That’s what I’m talking... more

31 May 2022 · 32 minutes
Book Sales Stats—One Month Post-Launch 🎉

Today I’m sharing the recording from our second-to-last book launch team Q&A one month after Free Time launched. I share post-launch... more

27 May 2022 · 48 minutes
From Scavenger Hunts to Retrievability Speed with Nick Sonnenberg

Do you feel like you are wasting precious moments just finding things? Today, I’m speaking with Nick Sonnenberg, CEO of... more

24 May 2022 · 44 minutes
Top 5 Tools That Power My Business

It’s time to stop Franken-stringing software together. If you've read Free Time or been listening to this podcast, you know... more

20 May 2022 · 22 minutes
How to Sell Your Online Business with Alexis Grant

Could you sell your business? Would you even want to once it’s optmized enough to make selling an option? Today... more

17 May 2022 · 52 minutes
Free Time with Jenny Blake
Top Ten Lessons from 💯 Episodes
Free Time with Jenny Blake

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Dearest Free Timers: I can’t believe it, but this marks the 100th episode of this show since launching on March 21, 2021!... more