What to do when the words 'Extra Lessons' pop up in your family.
Have the words 'EXTRA LESSONS' popped up in your family recently? If so, this podcast is just for you! Welcome... more
In this episode we'll find out more about how different Extra Lesson centres work, how many children are in a... more
Working together in a partnership of Parent, Child, School and Extra Lessons Centre. What are our expectations of each party? Do... more
How do I know if my child really needs extra lessons? How is this different from ordinary school lessons? How... more
We'll help you understand the difference between 1-mark questions, learning parrot fashion and answering questions your child has never seen... more
What's covered in the English programme? What about Maths? Personalised lessons and what about homework? Do you have a question not... more
The importance of learning a second language and why we STILL do Afrikaans. Do you have a question not answered here?... more
IEB, CAPS, NSC, DBE, homes chooling.... Help! What do these all mean? Do you have a question not answered here? Then... more
Are extra lessons available for children with disabilites and special needs? Do you have a question not answered here? Then please... more
Educating their children is the best investment a parent can make. Do you have a question not answered here? Then please... more