Transforming communities is hard work. That may go without saying, but when your job is about helping your neighborhood, city or region... more
Water scarcity, food insecurity, and wasteful textile supply chains are major societal challenges with no easy solutions. But some of... more
Welcome to my seventh logbook, an in between seasons update on Ecosystems for Change. In each logbook, I give you a... more
On today’s bonus episode, I’m speaking with Chris Heivly. Chris has over 40 years of experience working as, for, and with... more
We started this season by asking how we can tell better stories about what is happening in our ecosystems.As I... more
Today, we’re headed to Vermont to hear stories about extraordinary rural communities throughout the US.Austin Danforth is the chief storyteller... more
In this episode, I’m continuing my conversation about Yearbook Indiana with Polina Osherov of Pattern, Morgan Allen of the Indiana... more
In today’s episode, I get to introduce you to a storytelling powerhouse trio.At every stage of the process, from vision... more
I’ve been in awe of today’s guest, Natalie Hodge, since I first learned about her show Hometown Hustle.As of summer... more
Welcome to my first interview of season 6.I sat down with none other than Eva-Maria Verfürth, Publisher and Editor in... more
In season 6 of Ecosystems for Change, we are going to explore the art, craft, and science of telling meaningful... more
Welcome to my 6th logbook where I give a little insight into what’s happening behind and beyond the scenes of... more
Over the course of this season, quitting became a constant topic in my life.One of my team members quit to... more
In our last conversation of this season, we’re traveling to Berlin, Germany. I’m sitting down with Naomi Ryland, systemic change... more
In today's episode, we're traveling to Phoenix, Arizona to chat with Lucas Lindsey.Lucas is an ecosystem builder turned real estate... more
In today's episode, I want to introduce you to my longtime friend and OG ecosystem builder, Larkin Garbee.Larkin has put... more
In today’s episode, we’re making our way to Fargo, North Dakota to talk to Annie Wood.I first met Annie through... more
Today, I want you to meet Julia Firestone.Julia is a transformational leadership and career coach who serves experienced social impact... more
When Joe Maruschak left his home ecosystem of Eugene, Oregon, it sent ripples through our community of ecosystem builders. In the... more
I’m sitting down with ecosystem builders who stopped playing–either temporarily or for good. I want to find out what led... more
As I was wrapping up the first year of the show, I found myself wondering what had come of all... more
I am excited to introduce you to Melissa Roberts Chapman at the Federation of American Scientists who took the time... more
Welcome to my fifth logbook, an in-between-seasons update on what’s happening in the field of entrepreneurial ecosystem building, what’s going... more
Throughout this season, we really traveled through the lowest valleys and highest mountaintops of ecosystem building.
Rick Turoczy talks about how you might plan for succession as a keystone in your community, how you transfer social... more
Julie Heath shares how she and her team spread the ecosystem gospel among economic developers and gives us a new... more
Todd Nuckols's rich social capital and the generosity with which he meets people are only two of the reasons I... more
Margo Fliss talks about an ecosystem convening that went terribly sideways and talks about how she moved through this experience... more
Cecilia Wessinger shares what types of conflict she has encountered in helping convene an ecosystem of ecosystem builders and how... more
Jess Edwards spilled the beans on how she builds and leverages her social capital when she parachutes into a community... more
I invited Fay Horwitt to share some of her hardest-won lessons when it comes to managing conflict in ecosystems and... more
How do we build a culture of trust and collaboration within our ecosystems so that we might look beyond individual... more
Welcome to my fourth logbook, an in-between season update on all things ecosystem building.
Today, we’re talking about productivity. But first, a confession. I may not be the best person to talk about productivity.
In today’s Summer Skill Session, I want to introduce you to my five-step approach to telling meaningful stories about your... more
Welcome to our second Summer Skill Session. I hope you’re kicking it by the pool, popsicle in hand, your headphones... more
The idea behind these Summer Skill Sessions is to bring you short snippets of episodes that introduce you to a... more
Welcome, friends, to my third logbook, the in-between seasons update where I share what’s going on behind the scenes of... more
This season confirmed that there is no magic formula, no secret ingredient. It all comes down to priorities, to looking... more
Shelly Rose and I talk about sleep, nutrition, staying hydrated, taking good care of your nervous system - which I... more
David Hirsch shares with us his experience with burnout as a community builder. David talks about not only the mental... more
I wanted you all to meet Candace because she has lived the startup life of acceleration, ecosystem building, and Silicon... more
Alex Boross-Harmer has taken a holistic and empathetic approach to helping others move their body. Alex talks about their transition... more
Isaac Jeffries and I chatted about setting and upholding boundaries to ensure we don’t disappoint ourselves or the people around... more
In season 3, I talk to practitioners who can help us build a solid foundation of physical, mental and emotional... more
Welcome to my second logbook, an in-between-seasons update on what’s been going on behind the scenes of this show and... more
When we set out on this season, it was all about the great unknown of complex, adaptive systems. Scary, right? After... more
I’m sitting down with Vanessa Roanhorse to talk about the Indigenous worldview, how it might inform our approach to thinking... more
I talked with Kate "Sassy" Sassoon about the role of stakeholder capitalism and global cooperativism and how both models help... more
I sat down with Lana Jelenjev, community alchemist, hospice worker for dying systems and midwife for new emerging systems. Lana... more
I wanted to have a conversation with April Rinne because her book, Flux: 8 Superpowers for Thriving in Constant Change... more
I wanted to have a conversation with April Rinne because her book, Flux: 8 Superpowers for Thriving in Constant Change is exactly... more