Singer/songwriter Jon Cross and a variety of guest hosts mull over movies, comedically riff on a variety of topics and champion filmic... more
Matt Poirier from the Direct to Video Connoisseur is back again and we are back in the world of The Wings.... Wings... more
Matt Poirier from the Direct to Video Connoisseur joins us to talk about the bizarre Michael Moriarty, Sonny Bono and Julia Louis-Dreyfus starring and... more
On a new sub-series and beautiful collaboration of The After Movie Diner and Cinema Beef Podcasts, Gary Hill and Jon Cross will dive into... more
In a slight change from our regular programming, the incredible, incomparable and utterly delightful Nic Meek-Whitehead joins us to discuss... more
On this ALL NEW episode of the After Movie Diner we start down a new series where each week we... more
This is incredible. Sleazy Spader comes to an end, potentially forever. So, who did we rope into appearing on the... more
Moe Von Helvete née Porne joins me to talk about John Cusack and James Spader going head to head in a race to... more
Matt Poirer from Direct to Video Connoisseur, is back and we are delving into a weird, low budget, confusingly edited and... more
It's finally here and yes, it is most definitely Summer now - I don't care... I'm not changing it now.Anyway... more
When you truly fall in love with something, like Wings Hauser movies, the tendency is to push it as far as... more