Welcome to "What to Do with Ayeni Princess," the podcast where I share valuable tips, insights, and experiences from my entrepreneurial journey... more
Whenever you think about “INVESTMENT” always think long term. If you can’t, then don’t bother just go and save your... more
Transitioning into a different industry can feel like a daunting task, but with the right strategies, it's achievable. Join me... more
This is an interesting episode! You'd find it worth your time if you are a Team Lead or in any... more
Business mistakes are ultimately what enable us to grow going forward. I’ve experienced a few business mistakes in the course... more
If you have ever felt overwhelmed, had the tiniest feeling of not being enough, you should listen to this Episode!
Over the past weeks, I've had to go through job applications to screen candidates for a particular role and some... more
On today's podcast, our host Ayeni Princess shares with us a personal story and how her brand/business came to be.... more
Welcome to 2022! We made it, so happy to have ya'll here again. On today's podcast, we are discussing how... more
If we have a conversation board rating here in Nigeria, "save in dollars" should be in the Top 3 topic... more
Do you ever wonder why friends and family are usually the last group of people to jump on your sales... more