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The Ten Thousand Things
The Ten Thousand Things
Sam Ellis, Joe Loh and Ali Catramados

Sometimes deep, often amusing, therapeutic chats touching on philosophy, spirituality, religion, consciousness, culture, music, dating, and life. Join Sam, Joe and Ali... more

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Just One Thing - Jack Kornfield

What we take to be a self is tentative, fictitious, constructed by clinging, a temporary identification with some parts of... more

25 May 2024 · 3 minutes
Just One Thing - Eckhart Tolle

The root of this physical urge is a spiritual one. The longing for an end to duality, a return to... more

25 May 2024 · 5 minutes
Just One Thing - Joseph Campbell

“I have really found when I look around that the romantic love I see is this ideal, the anima. The... more

25 May 2024 · 3 minutes
Just One Thing - Alain de Botton

To be a loving person is to wrestle with a profoundly improbable idea: that however modest our position in society... more

25 May 2024 · 3 minutes
Just One Thing - Pema Chodron

All that is necessary then is to rest undistractedly in the immediate present, in this very instant in time. And... more

25 May 2024 · 3 minutes
Is Love the Drug?

Romantic Realities: Deconstructing the Romantic Love MythWe dive into the misconceptions of romantic love prevalent in Western culture, drawing on... more

17 May 2024 · 1 hour, 2 minutes
Sam reads your listener notes

Listeners are producers. Thank you for getting the show out.I reflect on my own podcast listening: helpful with insomnia, and... more

09 May 2024 · 50 minutes

Thinking back on favourite films, it becomes clear what they say about us. Cinema, the Psyche, unveiling Inner HeroesIt's always... more

30 Apr 2024 · 54 minutes

Do most straight men reserve their truest love and romance for other men? Marilyn Frye thinks so, and today we... more

24 Apr 2024 · 54 minutes
FOMO, JOMO and beyond

Moving from Fear, to Joy of Missing Out and beyond both. FOMO arises from projection and fantasy, as does a lot... more

16 Apr 2024 · 1 hour, 2 minutes
The Ten Thousand Things
Just One Thing - Jack Kornfield
The Ten Thousand Things