Welcome to The Screenwriting Life, a podcast where Oscar-nominated writer Meg LeFauve and Emmy-nominated writer Lorien McKenna discuss not only the craft... more
WATCH LOS FRIKIS: https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Los-Frikis/0H49M436MMS223JUKJ26Q95EKJ READ ALONG: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a3QojbCeXG11xowk5u6y-RONQhCSguwG/view?usp=drive_link Tyler Nilson and Michael Schwartz are the first to admit "they're not the cool kids."... more
We are launching a brand new monthly BONUS show this Thursday in feed, hosted by our producer Jeffrey Crane Graham.... more
JOIN TSL WORKSHOPS: https://tslworkshops.circle.so Whether you're on your billionth draft, or stuck in post on a docuseries, finding a connective THEME... more
JOIN TSL WORKSHOPS: https://twslworkshops.circle.so The Molyneux Sisters (BOB’S BURGERS, THE GREAT NORTH) believe that character is at the center of all... more
JOIN TSL WORKSHOPS: https://tslworkshops.circle.so George Saunders is a writer of novels, short stories, and non-fiction, whose work has amassed a collection... more
Dana Fox offers an incredibly generous admission in today's conversation: "I find writing REALLY torturous." And yet, she's one of... more
JOIN TSL WORKSHOPS: https://tslworkshops.cricle.so For decades, if you wanted to make it as a Hollywood writer, the first step was simple:... more
JOIN TSL WORKSHOPS: https://tslworkshops.circle.so It's no secret that plays and movies are entirely different mediums, so how do you give the... more
JOIN TSL WORKSHOPS: https://tslworkshops.circle.so What sounds harder? Writing a pilot alone at your desk, or running your own TV show with... more
JOIN TSL WORKSHOPS: https://tslworkshops.circle.so Pixar story genius Mike Jones gets candid with Meg about endings: what makes a great ending, and... more