The Positively Joy podcast is taking a powerful new direction and diving into a subject that touches so many hearts: relationships. I’m... more
Some years people tell me they can’t find the Christmas spirit. Usually that's because of some pain or difficulty in... more
We're back with Amish-raised Sara Daigle in part two of her interview. In part one, we talked about her marriage... more
This week, I want to unpack our stories about navigating relationships, faith, and the journey to rediscover joy. These are... more
Sara Daigle is our guest in the first episode of a NEW focus on Christian women, marriage and divorce. Sara was... more
In the 40th and last episode of Season 5, Mischelle Saunders-Gottsch is a God storyteller. But her own ability to... more
We’re pivoting here at the Positively Joy podcast to a topic that many women will find incredibly relevant. Relationships. The... more
Pamela D. Smith is a prayer warrior, who uses prayer not only to evangelize, and communicate and give glory to... more
Tracey Glenn and her alter-ego character, Loretta, are a hoot. But don't be mistaken, they ARE strong Christians and love... more
Carol Chisholm is a writer and singer who has kept her baldness a secret from the world and even from... more
Jerry Dugan of the Beyond the Rut podcast and ministry visits the show today. A military veteran, Jerry has a... more