The award-winning podcast (also a TV show & book series) about dark historical tales. Each episode explores the mysterious creatures, tragic events,... more
Go deeper into the subject matter of our most recent episode (276: Heads Up) with these three recommendations from further... more
A good amount of history is nothing more than normal, everyday people doing their best to keep their heads in... more
A special announcement for a special day. Thank you to everyone who has constantly, generously, and joyfully supported this show... more
Injuries often leave marks that stick with us for years. In locations designed for violence, though, scars often reach a... more
Go deeper into the subject matter of our most recent episode (275: Taking Control) with these three recommendations from further... more
Thankfully, every rule has an exception, as this tragic story from 16th century France makes painfully clear. Narrated and produced... more
Roaming around a small wooded corner of folklore are four-legged creatures that might not be what they seem. These legends... more
Go deeper into the subject matter of our most recent episode (274: Distant Relations) with these three recommendations from further... more
Despite the oceans and centuries that separate various cultures, it is often the folklore that acts like a glue, uniting... more
The cool waters of the ponds and lakes that dot our landscape are often seen as safe retreats for recreation... more