Biblical theology, stripped bare of denominational confessions and theological systems by exposing context.
With Dr. Matthew Halsted After the Amalekites attacked Ziklag and took captive David's wives and other people, David and his men... more
With Dr. Matthew Halsted 1 Samuel 29 tells the story of David's rejection by the Philistines. David had been living in exile... more
With Dr. Ronn Johnson Saul is afraid of the Philistines and seeks guidance from God, but God does not answer him.... more
With Dr. Denise Flanders David flees to the land of the Philistines in fear of Saul. He lies to the Philistine... more
With Dr. Ronn Johnson David spares Saul's life twice, showing his mercy and compassion. Saul is starting to realize that David... more
With Dr. Matthew Halsted David and his men are in the wilderness of Maon when they hear that Nabal, a wealthy... more
With Dr. Tim Mackie Saul was hunting David in the wilderness of Engedi when he and his men went into a... more
With Dr. Ronn Johnson David was informed that the Philistines were attacking the city of Keilah. He asked God if he... more
With Dr. Justin Bass David flees from Saul to the cave of Adullam, where he is joined by his brothers and... more
With Dr. Ronn Johnson David fled from Saul, who was seeking to kill him. He went to the city of Nob,... more
With Dr. Michael Brown David, fearing for his life after Saul has tried to kill him twice, goes to Jonathan, Saul's... more
We talk to Greg Lyle and Drenna Heiser from Dr. Heiser's non-profit, Miqlat. Greg and Drenna give us updates on... more
With Dr. Justin Bass Saul became increasingly jealous of David and tried to kill him. Jonathan, Saul's son, tried to protect... more
With Dr. Justin Bass After David defeated Goliath, Saul became jealous of David's popularity and success. Jonathan, Saul's son, became close... more
With Dr. Justin Bass The Philistines and Israelites were at war. Goliath, a giant Philistine warrior, challenged the Israelites to send... more
With Dr. Tim Mackie In 1 Samuel 16, the Lord tells Samuel that he has rejected Saul as king of Israel.... more
With Dr. Justin Bass God commands Saul to utterly destroy the Amalekites, including all of their livestock. Saul obeys the command... more
Listeners of The Naked Bible Podcast take time to remember Dr. Michael Heiser. To support the podcast please go to... more
Listeners of The Naked Bible Podcast take time to remember Dr. Michael Heiser. To support the podcast please go to... more
Listeners of The Naked Bible Podcast take time to remember Dr. Michael Heiser. To support the podcast please go to... more
In 1 Samuel 13-14 Saul throws away the Lord’s dynastic blessing by usurping priestly duties (that is, performing an unlawful... more
1 Samuel 12 is ostensibly Samuel’s farewell address as he yields power to Saul, Israel’s first king. The content of... more
1 Samuel 11 explores the inauguration of Saul’s reign as king of Israel. In the previous chapter, the prophet Samuel... more
In 1 Samuel 8 the people of Israel ask Samuel to choose a king to rule them, a king that... more
In 1 Samuel 8 the people of Israel ask Samuel to choose a king for them who would be like... more
1 Samuel 7 is about Samuel’s emergence as the nation of Israel’s spiritual and military leader (i.e., a judge). The... more
Counterfeit Kingdom with Holly Pivec and R. Douglas Geivett Back in 2017 (Episode 179) apologetics researcher Holly Pivec was our guest... more
1 Samuel 5-6 continues the biblical saga of the loss of the ark of the covenant to the Philistines. Specifically,... more
1 Samuel 4 details the loss of the ark of the covenant to the Philistines and the end of Eli’s... more
1 Samuel 3 marks the call of Samuel to be a prophet. As such it furthers the demise of the... more
This episode of the podcast continues in 1 Samuel 2 through the end of the chapter. In 1 Sam 2:12-36... more
The story of Hannah’s barrenness and faithful prayer to Yahweh for a child is well known to Bible readers. Yet... more
Beyond the stories of Hannah and David’s battle with Goliath, the book of 1 Samuel tends not to be well... more
The Afterlife with Dr. Justin Bass In this episode of the podcast we continue our conversation with Dr. Justin Bass about... more
The Afterlife with Dr. Justin Bass It’s expected that the Bible would have a good bit to say about the afterlife.... more
In this last installment of the book of Jude (vv. 17-25), we take a look at several points of Jude’s... more
In Jude 14-16, the author continues the theme of the judgment of his opponents, the false teachers. In this instance,... more
In Jude 11-13, the author continues his portrayal of, and warning against, false teachers using three archetypal Old Testament episodes... more
One of the oddest verses in the short epistle of Jude is Jude 9, which describes some sort of struggle... more
In the book that bears his name Jude has compared the false teachers he opposes to the heavenly villains of... more
In Jude 6 the author introduces his readers to a group of angels that sinned against God. They failed to... more
This episode focuses on Jude 4-5. In Jude 4 the false teachers who are Jude’s opponents are said to have... more
The letter of Jude is one of the shortest books in the Bible. Its content, however, is dense, offering a... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW HERE ON PATREON OR HERE ON PAYPAL Article referenced: WHERE WAS TARSHISH?
Over the past two years Dr. Heiser has been asked a number of times to respond to the book Demons... more
Hollywood Heroes with Frank Turek Millions of people around the world are captivated by fantasy and superhero films. What explains their... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions. The World Turned Upside Down - Mike's book will be $5 (free shipping) through the end... more
The Queen of Heaven with Dr. Peter Goeman The “queen of heaven” is an enigmatic deity figure that appears in Scripture... more
In the preceding episodes, we’ve seen how Paul reconfigures Old Testament faith, faithfulness, Torah keeping, and Israel’s election in light... more
In the preceding episodes, we’ve seen how Paul reconfigures Old Testament faith, faithfulness, and Torah keeping in light of the... more
In the preceding episode, we saw how Israel’s elective vocation was reconfigured by Paul to focus on the work of... more
To this point in our series on Paul’s use of the Old Testament we’ve focused on Paul’s “storied reading” of... more
The book of Malachi closes our English Old Testament. Because of its position and status as one of the “minor... more
Like the previous episode, this discussion with Dr. Matt Halstead takes us to Daniel 9, a passage that uses mashiach... more
In the previous episodes with Dr. Matt Halsted, we discussed how trying to articulate the Old Testament’s messiah merely by... more
In the previous episodes with Dr. Matt Halsted, we discussed how trying to articulate the Old Testament’s messiah merely by... more
In the previous episodes with Dr. Matt Halsted, we discussed how trying to articulate the Old Testament’s messiah merely by... more
In the previous episode with Dr. Matt Halsted, we discussed how trying to articulate the Old Testament’s messiah merely by... more
Many Bible students would be shocked by the fact that many scholars, including a number in evangelical ranks, believe the... more
Many Bible students are unaware of the controversy surrounding how Paul (and other New Testament writers) cite the Old Testament.... more
Jesus and the Old Testament with Chad Bird Naked Bible Podcast listeners are familiar with concepts like Hebrew word studies and... more
Exodus Old and New with L. Michael Morales Listeners to the podcast are no strangers to the book of Exodus. Our... more
The podcast brings the year to a close with a special guest and resource for listeners, and with a look... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions about Revelation. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW HERE ON PATREON OR HERE ON PAYPAL
Dr. Heiser answers your questions about Revelation. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW HERE ON PATREON OR HERE ON PAYPAL
Dr. Heiser answers your questions about Revelation. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW HERE ON PATREON OR HERE ON PAYPAL
Dr. Heiser answers your questions about Revelation. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW HERE ON PATREON OR HERE ON PAYPAL NEW BOOKS AVAILABLE NOW: Who Is... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions about Revelation. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW HERE ON PATREON OR HERE ON PAYPAL
HAPPY 400TH!! Dr. Heiser answers your questions about Revelation. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW HERE ON PATREON OR HERE ON PAYPAL
Miracles Today with Dr. Craig Keener Do the sorts of miracles we read about in the book of Acts and the... more
Beginner Guides to New Testament Studies with Dr. Nijay Gupta For those who love to study Scripture, it is easy to... more
Revelation 21-22 is John’s climactic vision of the new Jerusalem and new earth. In Part 1 we looked at how... more
Revelation 21-22 is John’s climactic vision of the new Jerusalem and new earth. Not unexpectedly, there are deep Old Testament... more
The New Perspective on Paul, with Dr. Kent Yinger The “new perspective on Paul” (NPP) has been one of the most... more
Since the time of the Protestant Reformation, interpreters of Paul’s writings have struggled to resolve the tension of the apostle’s... more
In the previous episode (Rev 19, Part 2) we looked at how John’s use of the Old Testament, especially Ezekiel... more
Is the battle of Armageddon in Rev 19:11-21 unique in the book of Revelation—or is it alluded to elsewhere? Of... more
The major focus of Rev 19:1-10 is the marriage supper of the Lamb (vv. 6-10). This meal, a celebration of... more
Revelation 17-18 overlaps a good deal with elements in preceding chapters, most notably 13-16. In those earlier chapters readers were... more
Revelation 15 and 16 deal with the seven bowl judgments meted out against all those who follow the Beast. The passage... more
Dr. Michael F. Bird is a well-known New Testament scholar and theologian from Brisbane, Australia. After serving in the military... more
Messiah Son of Joseph with Dr. David Mitchell Christians know Jesus as the messianic son of David. The fact that the... more
The Psalms and Eschatology with Dr. David Mitchell Many Bible readers have wondered, and perhaps suspected, that there is a logic... more
Revelation 14 looks back at the 144,000 (see episodes 372, 373), the sealed counterparts to those who bear the name... more
Revelation 13 is known as the chapter about the Beast whose number is 666. However, the chapter actually describes two... more
The imagery of Revelation 12 is familiar to many Bible readers. A woman with twelve stars around her head gives... more
Revelation 11 is well known for two major items: the two witnesses and the reference to the temple court. Both... more
The Bedrock of Christianity with Dr. Justin Bass Dr. Justin Bass is a scholar of biblical studies and apologetics. In particular,... more
Revelation 10 is a hiatus from the trumpet judgments. The chapter describes a “mighty angel” who holds a scroll that... more
Revelation 9 reveals John’s vision of the fifth and six trumpet judgments. Several interpretive issues are immediately apparent? What is... more
Revelation 8 begins the vision of the first six trumpets. In Part 1 of our look at this chapter, we... more
Revelation 8 begins the vision of the first six trumpets. The sequence is kicked off by the Lamb’s opening of... more
This episode continues our discussion of Revelation 7 and the 144,000. The discussion includes Revelation 14, a second passage referencing... more
Revelation 7 is the first of two passages in the book that refer to the 144,000. The passage bristles with... more
Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus, with Seth Postell According to Acts 15 the Jerusalem church concluded that Gentile believers do not have... more
Revelation 6 introduces the reader to the unsealing of the scroll of Revelation 5. The first such act unleashes the... more
Many presume the scene in Revelation 5 of the Lamb standing before the throne of God is an enthronement ceremony.... more
This episode, the third installment of our discussion of the Old Testament in Revelation 4, has a singular point of... more
This episode continues our discussion of Revelation 4, a heavenly council/courtroom scene structured after the divine council scene of Daniel... more
Revelation 4 is the well know scene of the Lamb of God, the heavenly throne, and the 24 elders. Less... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW HERE OR HERE
In this episode we welcome back some familiar guests to the podcast for updates on their ministries. The episode has... more
Part 2 of our in-depth look into the role played by the Old Testament in Revelation 3 focuses the otherworldly... more
Revelation 3 contains John’s letters to Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. John uses the Old Testament in a number of places... more
Revelation 2:8-29 contain the letters to the churches of Smyrna, Pergamum, and Thyatira. A number of content items in these... more
This episode resumes our series on the Old Testament in the book of Revelation. Revelation 2 raises questions about the... more
The Myth Made Fact with Dr. Louis Markos Should Christians read classical mythology? Such material is, after all, pagan (i.e., non-Christian)... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW HERE OR HERE
Were Adam and Eve historical people? Is their historicity compatible with genetic science’s findings about human origins? This episode continues... more
Were Adam and Eve historical people? Is their historicity compatible with genetic science’s findings about human origins? This episode is... more
This episode in our series on John’s use of the Old Testament in the book of Revelation looks at Rev... more
This episode continues our series on John’s use of the Old Testament in the book of Revelation. We resume with... more
Our series on the Old Testament in the book of Revelation opens with Rev 1:4a, where we find the phrase... more
This episode launches our new series on the use of the Old Testament in the book of Revelation. The series... more
In earlier episodes (322, 334) we chatted with Professor Louis Markos about how the cosmologies of The Lord of the... more
One of the more important Hebrew words familiar to Christians is ḥesed, usually translated “lovingkindness” or “steadfast love” in English... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW HERE OR HERE
Relevance Theory and Biblical Interpretation with John Hilber Christians talk a lot about interpreting the Bible in context, but that goal... more
The story of Jonah being swallowed by a “great fish” (misunderstood as a whale) is familiar to Bible readers and... more
It’s common for scholars and critics of New Testament presentations of the birth of Jesus to suggest that the idea... more
Ezekiel and John 15, the Vine and the Branches Jesus’ allegory about the vine and the branches, ultimately about himself (the... more
Gentile inclusion is a familiar theme in the salvation plan of God. Bible students are generally aware that the idea... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW HERE OR HERE
In our last episode we saw how the Gospel of John repurposed parts of Ezekiel (chs. 34, 37:15-28) to describe... more
John 10 is one of the more familiar passages in the Gospel bearing that name. The chapter presents Jesus in... more
Hebrews 12:1 opens with a familiar exhortation: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let... more
We’ve noted many times how the New Testament draws on the Old Testament for its content. Some books stand out... more
Recently Dr. Heiser reached out to his audience asking whether pastors who follow the podcast had tried teaching the content... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW HERE OR HERE
In Matt 1:20 the gospel writer describes Mary’s pregnancy to Joseph this way: “do not fear to take Mary as... more
In John 20:11-16 is a famous scene after the resurrection that takes place at the garden tomb. To our surprise... more
Dr. Louis Markos returns to the podcast (first appearance, episode 322), this time to talk about the influence of Paradise... more
Listeners to this podcast know that the New Testament’s use of the Old Testament is crucial to being an intelligent... more
Recently Dr. Heiser reached out to his audience asking whether pastors who follow the podcast had tried teaching the content... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW HERE OR HERE
Few passages in the Bible are as familiar to Bible readers as John 3, the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus.... more
In Matthew 16:19; 18:18 Jesus tells the disciples they have the authority to “bind” and “loose” in heaven and on... more
In Luke 24:36-43 the resurrected Jesus appears to the disciples. To help cure their disbelief, Jesus asks them if they... more
The Psalms of (or to) the sons of Korah are a small subset of the Psalter. However, their content is... more
Recently Dr. Heiser reached out to his audience asking whether pastors who follow the podcast had tried teaching the content... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW HERE OR HERE
With the advent of the coronavirus threat and subsequent quarantine measures, many people are referencing Psalm 91 as though it... more
Having authored more than sixty books and appeared as a frequent guest on major cable and network television programs, Dr.... more
Dr. Louis is Professor of English at Houston Baptist University. He is an authority on C. S. Lewis and J.... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW HERE OR HERE
Recently Dr. Heiser reached out to his audience asking whether pastors who follow the podcast had tried teaching the content... more
Recently Dr. Heiser reached out to his audience asking whether pastors who follow the podcast had tried teaching the content... more
Divorce and Remarriage in the New Testament with David Instone-Brewer This episode follows the previous discussion on divorce and remarriage and... more
On this episode of the podcast we talk to Dr. Jamie Aten, founder and executive director of Wheaton’s Humanitarian Disaster... more
Divorce and Remarriage in the Old Testament with David Instone-Brewer Divorce and remarriage are obviously sensitive and difficult subjects. Not surprisingly,... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW HERE OR HERE or show your support by visiting our Store
Dr. Heiser answers your questions. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW HERE OR HERE
Dr. Heiser answers your questions. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW HERE OR HERE
Dr. Heiser answers your questions. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW HERE OR HERE
Exodus 35-40 is highly repetitive with the content of Exodus 25-31. However, the order of the material presented is quite... more
Exodus 33:12-23 constitute the famous passage where Moses’ asks to see the Glory of God. In return, he receives a... more
This episode of the podcast returns to parts of Exodus 32 that dovetail with the content of Exodus 33. The... more
Exodus 32 details the tragic failure of Israel’s apostasy with the golden calf. The story is well known, mostly for... more
Exodus 30-31 completes the Torah description of the instructions for the Tabernacle and its furnishings. In this episode of the... more
The descriptions of the vestments worn by the priests of Israel, particularly the high priest, can make for uninteresting reading.... more
In this episode of the podcast we welcome T. Dirk Smith, Vice President of (formerly known as Eastern European... more
In Part 1 of our discussion of Exodus 26-27, we talked about the theological messaging of the Tabernacle. Now our... more
Exodus 26-27 make for unexciting reading. Who really wants to read the blueprints for the Tabernacle? But we shouldn’t assume... more
Carmen Imes is Associate Professor of Old Testament / Program Coordinator of the program in Bible & Theology at Prairie... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW
Dr. Heiser gives us a quick update on the 2019 ETS and SBL conferences. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW
Exodus 25 is about more than the Ark of the Covenant, the subject of the previous two episodes. Exodus 25:23-40... more
In Part of our discussion of Exodus 25, we focused on the nature and purposes of the Ark of the... more
Exodus 25 begins the book’s description of the Tabernacle and its furnishings. The most prominent item is the Ark of... more
In Part 1 of our study of Exodus 24 we looked at the covenant ratification ceremony (Exodus 24:1-8). This ceremony... more
Exodus 24 is the culmination of the Sinai scene that began in Exodus 19. The first eight verses detail the... more
This episode wraps up the remainder of Exodus 23 (vv. 20-33). There are a number of interesting items in these... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW
This episode follows Part 1 of our brief exploration of the “Book of the Covenant”—the laws in Exodus 21-23 that... more
Most listeners will know the Ten Commandments. They might even know that those commandments are in Exodus 20. But few... more
In the previous two parts of our discussion of Exodus 20, we talked about issues related to Decalogue and the... more
In the previous episode of the podcast we looked at the issues raised by close examination of the placement and... more
Exodus 20 is familiar to Bible readers for the Ten Commandments. Actually, only Exod 20:1-17 delineates those commands. The rest... more
Exodus 19 begins with the short move of the Israelite community from Rephidim to Sinai. The chapter not only sets... more
Evil and Satan with Dr. Archie Wright. Many listeners will know that the New Testament teaching about Satan underwent a good... more
This chapter of the book of Exodus features the idea of Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law- to appoint judges in Israel to... more
Exodus 17:8-16 chronicles the battle between the Israelites and the Amalekites. The episode contains odd elements. So long as Moses’... more
The first seven verses of Exodus 17 give readers the story of the water from the rock at Rephidim. The... more
Bible students will know Exodus 16 as the story of God’s provision of manna, the “bread from heaven” that sustained... more
Exodus 15:22-27 ostensibly serves as an itinerary anecdote about the grumbling of the Israelites at Marah, where they found the... more
On this episode of the podcast Mike chats with Stovall Weems, lead pastor at Celebration Church in Jacksonville, FL. The... more
Exodus 15 is referred to by scholars as the Song of Moses. The label is due to its poetic nature.... more
In Part 1 of our discussion of Exodus 14 and the Israelites’ journey out of Egypt we focused on the... more
Exodus 14 is one of the major chapters detailing Israel’s departure from Egypt and the miraculous passing through the “Red... more
Exodus 13 takes us into the subject of the offering of the firstborn. Certain scholars argue that the passage is... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SHOW
This episode continues the early/late date discussion. Scholars who accept the historicity of the biblical story of Israel’s exodus from Egypt... more
Scholars who accept the historicity of the biblical story of Israel’s exodus from Egypt have argued for centuries about when... more
This episode of the podcast begins our discussion of the circumstances of the exodus event. There are many difficulties and... more
Exodus 11 and 12 focus on the final plague against Egypt, the death of the firstborn, and the institution of... more
The previous episode discussed the four scholarly approaches to understanding the plagues upon Egypt in the exodus story. Two of... more
Exodus 7:14-25 is the entry point for the series of ten plagues God sent upon the land of Egypt and... more
Aside from the date of the exodus event and the revelation of the divine name, one of the most frequently... more
This episode of the podcast covers two chapter of Exodus. Aside from some comments that relate to items in previous... more
The second half of Exodus 4 presents a series of chronological problems in relation to Moses’ movements to and from... more
Exodus 4:1-17 continues Moses’ conversation with God at the burning bush after the revelation of the divine name. It is... more
Exodus 3:13-14 are two of the most familiar verses in the Old Testament: “Then Moses said to God, “If I... more
This episode builds off Part 2a and our discussion of the Kenite Hypothesis. The episode essentially asks this question: How... more
Exodus 3:1 puts Moses in Midian, a land that, as we saw in Part 1, is closely tied to occupants... more
This episode focuses on Exod 3:1 (“Now Moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law, Jethro, the priest of Midian,... more
Exodus 2:11-25 is the story of Moses’ capital offense in Egypt and his subsequent escape to the land of Midian.... more
In this episode we chat with Dr. Tim Mackie and Jon Collins about their amazingly successful and eminently useful ministry,... more
Exodus 2:1-10 is the familiar story of the birth of Moses in Egypt. Lurking behind the familiar story is a... more
This is the second of two episodes on Exodus 1. This episode focuses entirely on how the name “Raamses” in... more
Exodus 1 is short in terms of verse count, but there are a surprising number of items in the text... more
This episode launches our new book study series on the book of Exodus! As we do with every book study,... more
In this episode we interview “Theo,” an American living in Nepal who teaches students full time. Theo has been a... more
What is the Day of the Lord? Most Bible students would associate it with a time of judgment. The reality,... more
Craig Allert is a scholar specializing in Patristic Fathers, those early Christian thinkers who lived and wrote just after the... more
Rick Brannan plays a lead role in the production of ancient language resources for Logos Bible Software. He has also... more
The word elohim frequently speaks of a single deity, most notably the God of Israel, in the Hebrew Bible. Exceptions... more
Dr. Heiser and special guest answer questions from a live audience. Thank you to everyone who came and joined us... more
In our second set of SBL interviews we talk to Dr. David DeSilva about his revised New Testament Introduction, Dr.... more
In our first of two installments of interviews at the annual meeting of the SBL (Society of Biblical Literature) we... more
In this episode we sit down first with Dr. Carl Sanders and Dr. Ronn Johnson to talk about rejected ETS... more
In this episode we chat with Doug van Dorn, a pastor in the Denver area who authored the Lexham Press... more
This episode features conversations with Dr. David Capes of Wheaton, Dr. Gerry Breshears of Western Seminary, and Dr. Mark Futato... more
In this set of interviews we talk to Dr. Peter Gurry of the Evangelical Textual Criticism blog; Henry Smith of... more
The psalms are often thought of as purely devotional. They of course have that value, but they also contain significant... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions about the book of Colossians.
Dr. Heiser answers your questions.
Dr. Heiser answers your questions.
This episode of the podcast concludes the series on Colossians. While the last chapter of Colossians contains mostly personal references... more
Paul continues his teaching on how gratitude toward Jesus, the author of salvation who is supreme over all other powers,... more
Colossians 3 is the pivot point for the epistle. Having tracked through a number of significant theological points relating to... more
Part 1: Johnny Cisneros – Bible Study Apps for Word Studies in Colossians What are some of the best Bible study... more
The subject of honor and shame-based cultures is familiar to anthropologists, but a foreign topic to most people interested in... more
Our preceding three episodes in large part set the table for the remainder of Colossians 2. Paul revisits some familiar... more
These two verses are (in)famous in New Testament study. Paul’s comments about baptism and circumcision, and a “circumcision made without... more
As we saw in our previous episode, a lot of theology can be packed into just a handful of verses.... more
Two of the things we talk about most on the podcast pop up in this episode: the importance of deriving... more
This episode continues our discussion of the epistle to the Colossians. Colossians 1:21-2:5 touch on some theological themes familiar from... more
Colossians 1:13-20 contains some of the most important Christological content in the New Testament. It is also home to some... more
We begin our study in the first chapter of Colossians with an eye toward some of Paul’s more important vocabulary.... more
This episode opens our new book study on Colossians. Disputes over the book’s authorship and date contribute directly to the... more
2 Thessalonians 2:1-8 contains two enigmatic features. In the first four verses Paul takes on the false teaching, circulating in... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions.
How ancient Israelites thought about the institution of kingship is deeply rooted in the ancient Near Eastern ideology of kingship.... more
1 Corinthians 15:29 is one of the more enigmatic verses in the Bible. Scholars have long struggled with the meaning... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions.
Dr. Heiser answers your questions.
Many Christians believe the book of Job is the earliest book of the Bible, written sometime before Moses in the... more
When it comes to debates over biblical inspiration, the authorship and the book of Isaiah is one of the more... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions. Dr. Heiser’s paper: Does Deuteronomy 32:17 Assume or Deny the Reality of Other Gods?
Dr. Heiser answers your questions. Link referenced:
Dr. Heiser answers your questions.
What is the proper biblical relationship between faith and works? Do good works contribute to salvation? If not, then why... more
The basic details of the Israelite conquest of Jericho are well known. The renewal of the covenant at Shechem, the... more
In 1 John 3:11-12 the apostle warned believers, “For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning,... more
This episode of the podcast raises a straightforward question: Does God ever deceive anyone? While listeners might think the answer... more
This episode welcomes Fern and Audrey back to the podcast. Fern and Audrey minister to trauma survivors, particularly those whose... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions.
Revelation 4-5, the Divine Council, and the Covenant Lawsuit Motif: A Discussion with Dr. Alan Bandy Revelation 4-5 with its vision... more
Numbers 29:12-34 describes the sacrifices involved in the celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles, called in Hebrew, the Feast of... more
The enigmatic “two swords” passage of Luke 22:35-38 that famously features Jesus’ command to the disciples, “the one who has... more
On this episode of the podcast we once again devote time to acquainting listeners with strategies and tools for more... more
Dr. Heiser answers your questions.
Dr. Heiser answers your questions about the book of Hebrews.
Dr. Heiser answers your questions about the book of Hebrews.
Our 200th episode celebrates the reach of the podcast and that of Dr. Heiser’s books, The Unseen Realm and Supernatural.... more
The final chapter of the book of Hebrews combines pastoral encouragement for believers under stress and reminders about the superiority... more
Hebrews 12 follows on the heels of the “hall of faith” in Hebrews 11. That’s important because heeding that context... more
Many Christians refer to Hebrews 11 as the “hall of faith.” The label is appropriate, but the chapter raises questions.... more
Hebrews 10 wraps up the author’s discourse on the superiority of the high priesthood of Jesus—a theme begun in chapter... more
There is much discussion online at this time of year as to the presumed pagan origins of Christmas. December 25,... more
In his ninth chapter, the writer of Hebrews continues with his theme of the superiority of Christ over the Levitical... more
The writer of Hebrews has, to this point, put forth the idea that Jesus is superior to Moses, Melchizedek, the... more
Our final set of interviews at SBL includes discussions with Tim Mackie from The Bible Project, and we learn about opportunities for... more
In our second set of interviews from SBL in Boston, we talk with Ben Giffone about how to earn an... more
Mike and Trey once again traveled to Boston for the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL). In... more
Many Christians refer to Hebrews 11 as the “hall of faith.” The label is appropriate, but the chapter raises questions. Why did... more