Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy from My Brother, My Brother and Me have recruited their dad Clint for a campaign of high... more
The Abnimal heroes drive a hard bargain with Clamgela to meet the Walrus. But first they have to make another... more
Navy Seal, Axe-o-Lyle, Roger Moore, and Artie Ficial need to sneak into the bank's IT Department in order to make... more
Armed with new allies and new information, the Abnimals head to the Future Dryer-ia to stake out the whereabouts of... more
Have the gang made enemies made along the way, or could they be future friends? The Abnimals form an unlikely... more
It's an axolotl! It's a seal! It's a robot coat rack to the rescue as the Abnimals infiltrate the Enforcement... more
Security doors and corporate offices stand between the Abnimals and their one chance at finding Carver. Can they wind their... more
The culprits to Carver's kidnapping have been found, but Carver has not! To find the answers, the heroes must act... more
The heroes are hot on the trail of Eel Patrick Harris! But their underwater chase leads them straight to Sigma... more
It's a distress signal — from Carver? The Abnimals rush to the Carvery only to find their hero missing. Who... more
The heroes must put up a good clean fight as Herr Dryer makes a mess of the Amphibi-Fortress, but can... more