Comic Books need a little hate every now and then. Listen to the original Comic Book Hating podcast, featuring DJ Sloofus, Schooly... more
Good evening, ladies and shit-stains. You know what this crappy place needs? Some new shit. What's worse than a new... more
Holiday tidings and cheer, assholes! Pull up a nice glass of eggnog and enjoy a special Christmas episode of The... more
Like a Scirocco blowing through the desert- not the wind, but a shitty VW Scirocco that's low on gas and... more
Cacadoodiepoopoopeepeecacadoodiepoopoopeepeecacadoodiepoopoopeepee! Click here for the lowdown, dig?
The sweet, dulcet tones of home... And a voice of idiocy amongst the retarded. Let's just dance between the raindrops,... more
Can anyone identify the approximate date or year of this Roy Crane strip? Thanks!
The Comic Book Haters - Season Three, Episode Two from The Comic Book Haters on Vimeo.Here's the streaming edition of... more
The Comic Book Haters - Season Three, Episode Two from The Comic Book Haters on Vimeo.CBH Indie Video Spotlight S2E2-... more
Hey there, shit-sausages. How's it hanging? Would you like to see what the CBH crew has been up to? You... more
CBH Indie Video Spotlight S3E2 - Blazing Combat from The Comic Book Haters on Vimeo.