Ray Brown's Talkin' Birds is a call-in show of entertaining conversation about wild birds -- attracting them to your back yard, identifying... more
On our latest show: A rare sighting in an Audio Postcard from Arkansas; a preview of the big San Diego... more
On our latest show (#1,019 Jan. 5): an audio postcard from the Columbian Amazon; an important Wood Thrush tracking... more
On our latest show (#1,018 Dec. 29): Part Two of Scott McMorrow's shorebird survey audio postcard from California; Alberta birding... more
On our latest show (#/1,017 Dec. 22): Birding as therapy in combating disease, with author Robert Bell; a vegetarian alternative... more
On our latest show: A Great Horned Owl Audio Postcard from Mike O’Connor’s backyard; Mike’s favorite birds to keep him... more
On our latest show: Wisdom the Albatross does it again; Freya McGregor creates a new way to make birding accessible... more
On our latest show: Sandhill Cranes in Arizona; expert binocular and scope advice; and the story of an eagle poacher... more
On our latest show, Maddie Carr describes how she met the birding goals of her eight-year-old self, and Mike O’Connor... more
On our latest show: Birding by Ear with Donna Posont; listening to the beautiful Lawrence’s Goldfinch; and talkin’ turkey with... more
On our latest show: a listener audio postcard from New Zealand; Stokes Guide to Finches co-author Matt Young; and Northern... more