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Cast On

Author: Brenda Dayne

Subscribed: 291Played: 10,650


Cast On began on Monday, 31 October, 2005, founded on nothing more than the desire to talk about knitting to people who get it. All the other stuff, about how memories, thoughts, hopes and dreams are knit into the fabric we create, and so become part of the fabric of our lives; about how life and knitting intertwine, and how sometimes you simply cannot tell where one part leaves off the other begins; about how the only thing wrong with the world today is that there is not enough knitting in it, all that came later, over time. Since 2005 the podcast has evolved to focus on finding inspiration in the ordinary, using it to kick start the process of making stuff, and finding ways to carve out the creative time and space that allows you to work your ass off on the projects that matter most to you. Like knitting a sweater. Or saving the world.
207 Episodes

133: I'm Back!


The one after five years.
The one about indigo.

CODA: Equilibrium


The one where you like me. You really like me.

Episode 132: Epic Bind Off


The last one.
The one where I'm hot.
The one on the beach.

Episode 129: Carcast


The one with Sarah Anderson.
The one with Tennessee Williams.
The one with JC Briar.

Episode 126: Bedcast


The one with the uke jam.
Visiting your home town as a tourist is bittersweet.
Sounds like San Francicso.
Wool. Nuf said.
Look. Point.
The colourful world of Kristen Nicholas.
The streets of NYC, sounds of Grand Central Station, and interviews with some of the people who make the yarn happen.
Spindles! Drop, supported and those of unusual size; a suitcase full of Estonian wool, projects old and new, and Today’s sweater. Third time really is the charm.

Episode 118: The Road


The road doesn't know your name.
It'll be alright on the night.
I drop some balls, and pick up other ones.
simply saying goodbye
The Snatchel Campaign
Daffodils and leeks for all.
Daffodils and leeks for all.

Episode 112: Becoming


Science doens't know everything. But science knows it doesn't know everything. Otherwise it would stop.
Meus professio pro vestri viaticus.
I am a super trouper.
The salad days of podcasting.
I knit so I don't kill you.
Cast On, on ice.
When the darning shows.
Sometimes it just needs to be about the knitting.
Gratitudes and platitudes.
I want to be Dorli Rainey when I grow up.
I made that.
Gunpowder. Treason. Plot.
For the lovers, who pay no praise or wages, nor heed my craft or art.

Episode 99: Meta


Data about data.
The force is strong in this one.
You really can't argue with Socrates.
Not quite Thanksgiving, but we are still thankful.
Trend setting knitwear, or fashion crime. It could go either way, really.
Stoic. That word does not mean what you think it means.
One sock. That is all. Pathetic.
How many projects, exactly, would be too many.
Another walk in the woods.

Episode 90: Snowed In


A walk in the woods.
Lessons from a 14th century logician.
Tea Trolley Blamed for Death Blaze.
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