A science and science fiction based podcast hosted by two high school friends, and two college friends. Listen and learn and geek... more
This episode contains: The three spoopiest hosts on this podcast enter the month of October being just... fine? Maybe... more
This episode contains: Your usual hosts are back at it again, diving into personal updates and some wild topics! Ben... more
This episode contains: It’s an all new episode featuring your usual hosts! We discuss reading the “fine print” and service... more
This episode contains: Devon contemplates the endless debate over his name and how it's pronounced. Is it Devon? Devin? Or... more
This episode contains: All three mighty hosts are here this week. Devon shares that a family is moving in next door. He... more
This episode contains: All three mighty hosts are here this week. Ben discusses an episode of Dear Hank and John podcast... more
This episode contains: Steven’s out sick with COVID, so you get the other two hosts this week! Devon’s a Texan... more
This episode contains: The three of us start out this episode with a chat regarding the complicated relations between ourselves... more
This episode contains: We’re joined by patron, friend of the show, and high school classmate of Steven and Devon: Renee!... more
This episode contains: The hosts are all here this week, and Steven and Ben met up with listener Hank and... more