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Grace Church Eden Prairie
Grace Church Eden Prairie
Grace Church

Sermon podcasts of Grace Church, located in Eden Prairie and Chaska, MN.

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Pastor Troy continues the A-List series with a message on where anxiety comes from and how we can battle it... more

01 Sep 2024 · 40 minutes

Pastor Troy Dobbs kicks off the series "the A List" discussing anger, its dangers if not dealt with properly, and... more

25 Aug 2024 · 35 minutes
Finish Well

Guest Pastor Chris Holck examines the call of God to run the race set before us, what that means amid... more

18 Aug 2024 · 34 minutes
Even So Come

In the final message from our Revelation series, Pastor Troy looks back at the story of Revelation, its reliability, and... more

11 Aug 2024 · 34 minutes
Night No More

Pastor Troy continues to unpack the features of believers' future home with Christ in the New Heaven, New Earth, and... more

04 Aug 2024 · 30 minutes
The Home of the Redeemed

Pastor Troy discusses the new home of Believers with Christ in the New Jerusalem and 10 truths about our home... more

28 Jul 2024 · 38 minutes
The Dawn of Eternity

Pastor Troy discusses the final judgment before God for both believers and nonbelievers.

21 Jul 2024 · 40 minutes
The Millennial Reign - Part 2

Pastor Troy discusses the final judgment before God for both believers and nonbelievers.

14 Jul 2024 · 44 minutes
The Millennial Reign - Part 1

Pastor Troy continues the study in Revelation 20, with the promise of Christ's thousand-year Kingdom on earth, the conclusive victory... more

07 Jul 2024 · 36 minutes
The Resurrection Changes Everything

Pastor Jon spoke on how important the resurrection is to Christians. He discussed the how, why, what, and "so what?"

30 Jun 2024 · 34 minutes
Grace Church Eden Prairie
Grace Church Eden Prairie