Just a bunch of high school guys talking about music, movies and video games while playing Counter-Strike. Hilarity ensues... sometimes.
On tonights show... Xbox 360 launch Movie Review: Harry Potter 4 Movie Review: True Romance This week on Southpark Dave and Kevin Talk about... more
Sorry, but no episode this week. We're all busy, and there isnt a whole lot of news anyway. Next Friday... more
On tonights show... Xbox 360 review... kinda Movie Review: Million Dollar Baby That Audioslave Concert that Dave didnt go to Dan Talks about WoW... more
On tonight's show: PsP review Grand Theft Auto 40,000 yen PS3? 50 Cent in Trouble Saw 1 and 2 Dan's WoW talk Dan's Stupid Story... more
On todays show... South Park primere's Jack Tompson is crazy Howard Stern off the air Quake 4 review Batman Begins DVD review Petchy Prank Call ** Thanks... more