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Geek Counterpoint -- Your antidote to soundbite science!
Geek Counterpoint -- Your antidote to soundbite science!
Lorne Ipsum

Your own personal geek-to-English translator, in handy Podcast form! Equal parts topical science background, correction / explanation of poorly reported science... more

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GC061 So long, and thanks for all the fish...


12 Sep 2007 · 1 minute
GC060 Climate Change Impacts

Now that we've gone through the science behind climate change, and knocked down most of the kooks surrounding the issue,... more

02 Jun 2007 · 27 minutes
GC059 Climate Change Proponents

Since the opponents of the climate change consensus have had their turn, now it's time to give the supporters of... more

13 May 2007 · 28 minutes
GC058 Swindled!

A couple of Geek Counterpoint listeners (thanks, Travis and Bill!) pointed me to a show recently aired on BBC channel... more

24 Mar 2007 · 23 minutes
GC057 Climate Change: the Skeptics (part 3)

Now that we've simplified things by covering the more common arguments made by climate change skeptics, this episode is devoted... more

13 Mar 2007 · 27 minutes
GC056 Climate Change: the Skeptics (part 2)

A continuation of episode 54's treatment of general points used by climate change skeptics. Since this is the fourth... more

21 Feb 2007 · 25 minutes
GC055 Space Weapons

When the Chinese government demolished one of its aging weather satellites a few weeks ago, they did more than just... more

10 Feb 2007 · 34 minutes
GC054 Climate Change: the Skeptics (part 1)

It's taken some time to do a reasonable level of fact checking, but my climate cats have now been successfully... more

23 Jan 2007 · 37 minutes
GC053 Sergey Korolyov

Today is the 100th anniversary of the birth of a giant of space exploration -- Sergey Korolyov (sometimes also transliterated... more

12 Jan 2007 · 16 minutes
GC052 Antikythera Mechanism

Sure, it's not much to look at -- but this humble lump of corroded bronze completely demolished our previous understanding... more

04 Jan 2007 · 23 minutes
Geek Counterpoint -- Your antidote to soundbite science!
GC061 So long, and thanks for all the fish...
Geek Counterpoint -- Your antidote to soundbite science!