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Hello Internet
Hello Internet
CGP Grey & Brady Haran

CGP Grey and Brady Haran talk about YouTube, life, work, whatever.

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H.I. #136: Dog Bingo

Grey and Brady discuss: The Mt Doom Edition, Dinosaurs Attack! randomness, YouTube videos from beyond the grave, betting on your... more

28 Feb 2020 路 1 hour, 21 minutes
H.I. #135: Place Your Bets

Brady and Grey discuss: weak sauce water, the uncertainty of the hotstopper pilgrimage, reliving Dinosaurs Attack! through the eyes of... more

23 Jan 2020 路 1 hour, 29 minutes
H.I. 134: Boxing Day

On a chill boxing day, Grey and Brady discuss: post-final-Star-wars-trilogy feelings, the endings of things, Cybertruck, xmas hotstoppers, gong baths,... more

30 Dec 2019 路
The Rise of Skywalker

馃巹Merry Christmas 馃巹 This episode brought to you by our patrons: https://www.patreon.com/hellointernet Discuss on the reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/CGPGrey/

25 Dec 2019 路
H.I. #132: Artisan Water

Brady and Grey discuss: Berlin hotdrops, China feedback, fizzy water revisited, annual Instagram Island, yet more straw materials, art corner,... more

23 Dec 2019 路 1 hour, 31 minutes
H.I. #131: Panda Park

Grey and Brady discuss: veganism and murder rooms, Brady visits China, how brains visualize things, many much podcasts, weekly TV,... more

19 Nov 2019 路 1 hour, 36 minutes
H.I. #130: Remember Harder

Grey and Brady discuss: skyscrapers, what it's like in your head, iPhone trypophobia, Brady gets an Apple Watch, AirBnB revisited,... more

29 Oct 2019 路 1 hour, 33 minutes
H.I. #129: Sunday Spreadsheets

Grey and Brady discuss: Grey's suspension from YouTube, the end of Project Cyclops, straws, Brady goes West, and Ingrid Goes... more

30 Sep 2019 路 1 hour, 45 minutes
H.I. #128: Complaint Tablet Podcast

Grey & Brady complain about things. Sponsors: HelloFresh: tasty recipes & fresh ingredients delivered to your door - for a total of... more

31 Aug 2019 路 1 hour, 16 minutes
H.I. #127: Very Hello Internet

Grey and Brady discuss: the annual heat wave, Pl诺gpopeth, being remembered for a thousand years yet again, correctly reporting the... more

31 Jul 2019 路 1 hour, 39 minutes