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Woodland Hills Church
Woodland Hills Church
Greg Boyd

We believe God's love extends to everyone—no matter who you are, no matter what you’ve done, and no matter what you believe.... more

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Let Your Gentleness Show

Dan Kent challenges us with the words of the Apostle Paul to respond to polarization by letting our gentleness show.... more

01 Sep 2024 · 42 minutes
Agents of Shalom

In this team-taught sermon with Greg Boyd and Bill Doherty, we learn about the importance of being a peacemaker, and... more

25 Aug 2024 · 50 minutes
Thwarting the Devil's Schemes

Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. Therefore, we must be wise to temptations that seek to entrap us in... more

18 Aug 2024 · 50 minutes
The Set-Apart Kingdom

Greg Boyd and Cedrick Baker highlight the difference that the kingdom of God makes and how it contrasts with the... more

11 Aug 2024 · 46 minutes
Love without Judgment

In this introductory sermon to the new series, Political Distortions, Greg Boyd and Bill Doherty provide a framework for why... more

04 Aug 2024 · 42 minutes
The Fragrant Partnership of Prayer

In Revelation 5, John’s vision includes the 24 elders holding up bowls of incense, which are our prayers. Greg explores... more

28 Jul 2024 · 45 minutes
Singing to God

The 24 elders in the throne room who sing praises to God show us that corporate worship is a distinctive... more

21 Jul 2024 · 41 minutes
The Trinity and the Spirit

When John enters the throne room in Revelation 4 and 5, the Father and Son are evident, but the Spirit... more

14 Jul 2024 · 46 minutes
Every Tribe, Language, People & Nation

The heavenly vision of John in Revelation 5 reveals that God redeems persons from every tribe, language, people, and nation.... more

07 Jul 2024 · 38 minutes
Training for Reigning

The people of God are a kingdom and priests who will reign on earth. This is our identity. What does... more

30 Jun 2024 · 39 minutes
Woodland Hills Church
Let Your Gentleness Show
Woodland Hills Church