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Please Explain (The Leonard Lopate Show)
Please Explain (The Leonard Lopate Show)

In Please Explain, we set aside time every Friday afternoon to get to the bottom of one complex issue. Ever wonder how... more

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How To Sniff Like A Dog

For this week’s Please Explain, we’re following dogs as they sniff their way through the world with their incredible sense... more

08 Dec 2017 · 31 minutes
What's Your Cat Really Thinking?

How did cats get domesticated? Why are they so popular on the internet? Are they good or evil? If you have... more

01 Dec 2017 · 30 minutes
We Get Fired Up Over Peppers

There are over 200 varieties of peppers, ranging from shishitos to habaneros. For our latest Please Explain, we dig into the... more

17 Nov 2017 · 30 minutes
Why Vinegar Deserves More Credit As An Ingredient

Vinegar often plays an essential role in the food we eat. We use it in everything from baking to braising to... more

10 Nov 2017 · 25 minutes
The Secrets Behind Succulent Sauces

For this week’s Please Explain, James Peterson stops by to talk sauces. He’s an award-winning food writer, cookbook author, photographer... more

03 Nov 2017 · 32 minutes
How To Go Vegan

Our first Food Fridays Please Explain kicks off with vegan cooking! Ronen Seri and Pamela Elizabeth are the co-founders behind... more

27 Oct 2017 · 30 minutes
How To Succeed Even If You're An Introvert

For our latest Please Explain, we explore what it means to be an introvert and what pressures they face when... more

20 Oct 2017 · 36 minutes
How Addiction Works

For this week's Please Explain, we explore how science is giving us a better understanding of how addiction works, and... more

13 Oct 2017 · 31 minutes
How The First Amendment Works

In a time when the president is openly attacking the press for negative stories and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville are claiming... more

06 Oct 2017 · 31 minutes
What Happens When We Sleep?

People spend about one-third of their lives asleep, but what actually happens when we close our eyes and begin to... more

29 Sep 2017 · 30 minutes
Please Explain (The Leonard Lopate Show)
How To Sniff Like A Dog
Please Explain (The Leonard Lopate Show)