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The Well: Sermon Audio
The Well: Sermon Audio
The Well Community Church, Clovis, CA

The Well generally teaches directly from Scripture in an expositional style. This feed is an archive of past sermons.

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The Calling of Matthew

When he first called Matthew, Jesus had recently healed a man with leprosy and commanded a paralyzed man to walk.... more

28 Jul 2024 ·
The Wedding at Cana

The wedding at Cana was never about the wedding but always about the wine. Jesus begins his ministry by transforming... more

07 Jul 2024 · 32 minutes

When Jesus comes through town, Zacheus famously climbs a tree just to get a glimpse. Jesus invites himself to Zacheu's... more

16 Jun 2024 · 36 minutes
Mary & Martha

When Jesus comes through town, Mary sits at His feet while Martha is busy serving Him and his guests. When... more

09 Jun 2024 · 30 minutes
Feeding the 5000

Theologically, meals are significant. The Bible begins and ends with a meal, starting with the tragic eating of fruit and ending... more

02 Jun 2024 · 36 minutes
Faithful to the Truth

The Book of Jude exposes false teaching and compels readers to contend for the faith in light of false teachers.... more

26 May 2024 · 36 minutes
When the Ungodly Prosper

Jude compels readers to persevere in the truth even when the ungodly prosper more than the godly. He also admonishes... more

19 May 2024 · 35 minutes
Wisdom vs Folly

Jude is dealing with false teachers in the midst of the Church. He uses Old Testament references to warn against... more

12 May 2024 · 38 minutes
Past Failures

The book of Jude compels readers to contend for the faith in truth as he writes a message of warning.... more

05 May 2024 · 34 minutes
Contending for the Faith

What issues are the most important to our faith, and what issues can we disagree on as believers? The Book... more

28 Apr 2024 · 36 minutes
The Well: Sermon Audio
The Calling of Matthew
The Well: Sermon Audio