Audio Bible Studies Lead by a United Methodist Pastor and Scholar.
Affirmation of the Authority of Jesus: Jesus gives his Disciples power and authority Herod Antipas questions Jesus' authority The feeding... more
Review of Luke 8:-21 The Stormy Sea and Questions of Faith The deliverance of the Gerasene Demoniac About Denominationalism The... more
Review of Luke 7 Women named serving in Diaconal ministry for Jesus The Parable of the Sower as a Parable... more
Discourse about John the Baptist The Woman with the Alabaster Jar Sin, Salvation, Healing, all one word - Sozo Faith... more
The Sermon on the Plain (Continued) The Beatitudes Judging Others Two Prophetic Healings - Healing of the Centurion's servant Raising... more
Working on the Sabbath Day Healing on the Sabbath Day and other rules Identification of the 12 Apostles The Sermon... more
Jesus' Ministry in Galilee Jesus in Nazareth - Rejection The use of the LXX (Greek Translation of the Hebrew Bible)... more
The Temptations of Jesus in the Wilderness
John the Baptist's Ministry The Baptism of Jesus The Genealogy of Jesus
Review on Synoptic Gospel Sources The Birth of Jesus The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple The Joseph Variant (an... more