Discusions about anything related to marine saltwater and reef tanks. Here we will discuss everything from basic Fish Only tank care to... more
In this episode we cover the initial tank setup, sand, rock work, etc. its a pretty short episode so hope... more
In this episode i spend about 15 minutes or so walking through a list of initial equipment that will be... more
Welcome to Talkingreef Tank Journal, This is an introduction episode, i used this episode to test out some stuff with... more
Intro *PoTM Contest Update * MACNA - Atlanta - Sept 5-7 * * http://www.macnaxx.com * New Local News Topic: Sumps... more
Intro *PoTM Contest * MACNA - Atlanta - Sept 5-7 * * MACNA XX Atlanta * New Local News -... more
Intro *Petco Petition - Talkingreef is not promoting you sign, jsut htat you read and sign if you feel you... more
Tank Cleaning * Tank maintenance rout table show TR 103 * * http://www.talkingreef.com/forums/podcast-episodes/4956-round-table-show-3-podcast-episode-103-a.html * Prep water for water change and... more
* Next weeks show topic: Tank Cleaning Questions and Answers Segment * Overflow system on a Nano Cube * Using... more
* PoTM contest * Show format * Intro Topic: Feeding your tank - - Types of dry foods - -... more
Here are a list of items discussed in this weeks Talkingreef Live show * PoTM contest * Show length and... more