The newest sermons from Port Hope Free Presbyterian Church on SermonAudio.
Peter was a fearless preacher of the Word of God. The result of his Christ centred preaching, brought him into... more
The Lord Jesus is wonderful in so many ways, but those who heard Him preach He was wonderful in all... more
When entering the temple, Peter fixed his eyes on a lame man who was there. He told the lame man... more
Peter was filled with the Holy Ghost, and as he preached, a revival broke out, and three thousand souls were... more
The Apostle Peter spoke about two men, one of whom would be chosen to take the place of Judas Iscariot.... more
The dear Lord Jesus is always ready and willing to give the backslider a second chance to serve Him, as... more
After the Lord's resurrection, Peter decided to go back to fishing. The Lord appeared by sea, but Peter did not... more
Simon Peter on three occasions denied ever knowing the Saviour. He suffered a fall into sin, but the Lord was... more
When the Lord revealed to Simon Peter the plans Satan had for him, the Lord told him, -But I have... more
Throughout His public ministry, the Saviour showed His humility in many ways. The night He bowed to wash the feet... more