Sermons from Covenant Life Church
From the Gift of Gifts series - What does it mean to receive the gift of Jesus Christ? Receiving him... more
From the Gift of Gifts series - Jesus Christ is not just well intended. He is the all-powerful Lord over... more
From the Gift of Gifts series - At Christmas, God showed his love for us by sending his only son... more
From the Gift of Gifts series - At Christmas, we celebrate the miraculous gift of Jesus Christ, the eternal Son... more
From the Revelation: Christ is King series - In the end, Christ will reign and will make all things new.
From the Revelation: Jesus is King series - The world’s corrupt economic systems, along with ungodly political and military powers,... more
From the Revelation: Christ is King series - For suffering saints, the justice of God is a rescue mission. His... more
From the series - Through the gospel, God has transformed us into new creations with new purposes and powers.
From the Revelation: Christ is King series - We can more patiently endure evil when we pull the curtain back... more
From the Revelation: Christ is King series - Judgment is coming for those who refuse to repent, but for the... more