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Bible Stories My Kids Love
Bible Stories My Kids Love
MB Linder

Lessons for today from the Bible

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The Story of Easter

This Bible Stories My Kids Love comes from John 20. It is the story of Jesus' resurrection on Easter Sunday.... more

29 Mar 2013 ·
Sheppard's Christmas

The Sheppard's see an Angel and become the first to witness the new born Baby Jesus! Hear their story from... more

23 Dec 2012 ·
The Lepers

The Bible teaches us a lesson on the importance of thankfulness as Jesus comes across ten lepers outside the city... more

31 Oct 2012 ·
The Big Prison Surprise

Peter is in prison and is sentenced to die and then something amazing happens! Listen in and find out what... more

26 Sep 2012 ·
The Disappearing Man

You think science fiction writers came up with transporting people from one place to another? Well think again. Hear how... more

19 Jul 2012 ·
The Choice

Pharaoh's daughter hears baby Moses crying from a basket floating in the river. In this story, God shows us how... more

13 Jun 2012 ·
The Oil Kept Pouring and Pouring

A woman can't pay her bills...and is desperate, and may lose her son to slavery. The a miracle happens! In... more

10 May 2012 ·
The 40 Days After Easter

Ever wonder what happened for the forty days Jesus walked the earth after his resurrection? Listen and find out on... more

17 Apr 2012 ·
The Easter Story

This Bible Stories My Kids Love comes from John 20. It is the story of Jesus' resurrection on Easter Sunday.... more

06 Apr 2012 ·
Prayer Lessons from a Puppy

Have you ever noticed the persistence of a puppy that wants something? In today's Bible Stories My Kids Love hear... more

08 Mar 2012 ·
Bible Stories My Kids Love
The Story of Easter
Bible Stories My Kids Love