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The Tech Wizard
The Tech Wizard
George Somers

Technology! It's not just for geeks anymore.

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Special Announcement - Podsafe for Peace

While I am preparing my next episode, I wanted to share with you a special project that I'm really excited... more

10 Dec 2005 ·
Episode 7: A Soundseeing Tour of Fisherman's Wharf, Monterey, CA

I know, I know. Two episodes in two days! It's so out of character for me. Once you get over... more

21 Nov 2005 ·
Episode 6 - Subscribing to Podcasts

TTWP Episode 6 - 11/19/05 Shownotes Update: I inadvertently uploaded an episode of the Biddy Cast (Lascivious Biddies) which may... more

20 Nov 2005 ·

The following link is to set my feed up with Odeo, an online service for obtaining podcasts. Check it out... more

03 Oct 2005 ·
Episode 5: Printing Photos without a printer?

Yes, I'm baaaack! Back and ready for action!! In this episode of TTWP, I take my digital pictures from computer... more

07 Jul 2005 ·
Error in link for Episode 3

Well, despite my best efforts (I swear I checked everthing!), the link to the Steve Jobs Keynote address in which... more

05 Jul 2005 ·
TTWP Episode 4: Digital Camera Buyer's Guide and more!

Whoa! This one is a long one! 1 hr. long and 13 MB is size! I guess I had a... more

03 Jul 2005 ·
ITunes 4.9 with Podcasting is here!

Hello Tech Wizard Podcast listeners,Yes, it's true. iTunes 4.9 is here! Why should you care? Because now... more

29 Jun 2005 ·
Missing Link from Episode 3

Oops! In my show notes for Episode 3, I forgot to include the link for the Yahoo! News article (originally... more

27 Jun 2005 ·
Episode 3 is here!

Yes, Episode 3 of The TechWizard Podcast is now available. In it, I cover the following... Updates from Episodes 1... more

14 Jun 2005 ·
The Tech Wizard
Special Announcement - Podsafe for Peace
The Tech Wizard