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:30 Minutes Toward Victory
:30 Minutes Toward Victory
Greg Marquez

We aim to encourage, give hope, and build faith with this weekly, 30 minute, Bible teaching broadcast.

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The Money Comes By Faith

So we've established that God has promised to prosper us, we've seen that this promise is received by faith like... more

13 Apr 2008 ·
But How Does The Money Come?

We've spent a great deal of time (Not enough apparently judging form the comments at YouTube.) trying to establish that... more

06 Apr 2008 ·
Faith is …

We Previously discussed the importance of faith and one of the things we saw was that, at least according to... more

02 Mar 2008 ·
Why God Wants You Rich

We've been teaching on the subject of prosperity for quite a while now, but before continuing I want to discuss... more

24 Feb 2008 ·
You Gotta Have Faith

This is the first episode in a series on the ABC's of Faith. Here I discuss the importance of faith.... more

14 Feb 2008 ·
The Promises Belong To Us

Continuing on the theme of prosperity. I've shown you so far that the Bible teaches that God has promised to... more

02 Feb 2008 ·
God Swore He Would Make Us Rich

In this episode we're still on the subject, God Wants You Rich, and we're looking specifically at Deuteronomy 8:18 But... more

20 Dec 2007 ·
God Desires Above All Things That Your Prosper

This is the first episode in a new series, God Wants You Rich. In this first program I briefly deal... more

08 Nov 2007 ·
We're Disciples Too

One last little blurb about Jesus reigning through the Church and then we'll move on to what it takes for... more

11 Sep 2007 ·
The Purpose of Christianity, Review

Before moving on to the next point I'm taking this program to review what I've been teaching for the past... more

29 Aug 2007 ·
:30 Minutes Toward Victory
The Money Comes By Faith
:30 Minutes Toward Victory