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Geek Speak with Lyle Troxell
Geek Speak with Lyle Troxell
Lyle Troxell

A weekly talk show about technology, science, and human creativity that excites, educates, and fosters curiosity. Discussions touch upon how technology affects... more

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Large Language Models and Human Minds

Most people say LLM are just language prediction systems... but how do human minds work comparatively? Can ChatGPT think, understand,... more

06 Jun 2023 · 1 hour, 25 minutes
Tech News and Non Woo Meditation

NFT insider trading, tech experts urge to resist Crypto industry influences, larges plant is a Sea Grass in Australia, Safari... more

01 Jun 2022 · 28 minutes
Delegate, Automate, Concentrate

Quincy Larson is founder and CEO of the non-profit software school freeCodeCamp, where anyone can go and lear to program... more

19 Jan 2022 · 1 hour, 10 minutes
The Software Arts: Algorithm - Arithmetic

Professor Warren Sack joins me to speak about the history of Algorithm, including Donald Knuth-Art of Computer Programing, Five Axioms... more

04 Jan 2022 · 52 minutes
Lasers for listening and seeing, music production, and recycling

In this non-edited episode of GeekSpeak Lyle calls Ben impromptu to chat about using lasers for listening to rooms remotely,... more

16 Sep 2021 · 37 minutes
Internal Company Podcasts, Some Thoughts

Due to the popularity of the WeAreNetflix podcast I am contacted a bit about my thoughts on company podcasts. The... more

27 Jan 2021 · 22 minutes
Wildfire-Caused Water Contamination

The San Lorenzo Valley in Santa Cruz County has a partial Do Not Drink / Do Not Boil order in... more

07 Sep 2020 · 53 minutes
20 Years of Ubiquitous Rust

Dedi finds a wifi solution they like, Greg is on the road for the first time since the pandemic,... more

18 Aug 2020 · 57 minutes
Motivations of Podcasting and Fretless Instruments

Ben Jaffe deciding to end his fantastic podcast Linear Digressions, Lyle celebrating 20 years hosting GeekSpeak, and geeking out on... more

11 Aug 2020 · 48 minutes
Vacation with Chainsaws, Motors, and Glasses

My vacation included fixing motors, accepting glasses, and milling redwood with chainsaws.

16 Jul 2020 · 25 minutes
Geek Speak with Lyle Troxell
Large Language Models and Human Minds
Geek Speak with Lyle Troxell