You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly quarterly lessons! Get into... more
Hard as it is for us to imagine, God considers each person of incalculable value, which is why He rejoices... more
Some might think that they are unlovable, or that God might love everyone else, but not them. Yet, the Bible... more
God not only asks us, “Do you love Me,” but God Himself loves each person, and does so freely. Indeed,... more
In this, our last week in John, we will look at some of this Gospel’s key points, which can help... more
The four Gospels present the death of Jesus in different ways. But John presents the cross as the enthronement of... more
This week’s lesson looks at how the Gospel of John presents the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but now within... more
This week’s lesson will begin with the purpose of the farewell discourse and its introduction with the significant episode of... more
This week continues with the revelation of God as given us in John. We will also more fully explore the... more
This week we will look at more ways John revealed Jesus as the Messiah, and also, we will look at... more
Throughout his Gospel, John has a diversity of people—people with different backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences—all testifying to who Jesus was.... more