Weekly science radio program hosted by Dr. Charles Lee and Dr. Frank Ling. Each show features interviews with scientists and technical... more
The detrimental effects of excessive soda consumption are well known, but have been downplayed by the industry. How did soda... more
Solar storms are poorly understood, but investigating the corona of the sun may hold the answers. On this episode,... more
Although modern life seems to be constantly moving, it is important to take time to rest and recharge. On... more
The ecological diversity of inland water systems are often ignored, but have a profound impact on our environment. On... more
The transition from fossil fuels to electrical power in automobiles is placing new demands on rare earth metals. How... more
The study of free will is often couched in broadly philosophical terms, but is it possible to develop a science... more
A picture says a thousand words, but attention to good design and imagery in science communication is often overlooked. How... more
Although the medieval period may seem to be greatly underdeveloped, the history of the age may be able to inform... more
Humans have now begun to influence the climatic conditions of the earth, but how can we use our collective efforts... more
The onslaught of digital media continues to compete for our limited attention spans. How do we survive in the digital... more