The longest-running book marketing podcast in the world. This is the show for writers who want to build their platform, sell more... more
Many authors feel stuck. They're toiling away in obscurity, and none of their promotion efforts seem to go anywhere.Success in... more
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the endless task of writing, publishing, and marketing your book? From deciding which software to... more
Your author platform is your ability to spread the word about your book. As an indie author, your platform is... more
Is your website’s Contact page serving your readers and web visitors?In the past, authors simply shared their email addresses on... more
Choosing the right setting can supercharge your book sales. Some people read a book just for its setting. A good... more
Sometimes in marketing, it pays to zig when everyone else is zagging. In this digital age, when authors race to... more
As Yoda says, “Difficult to see the future is.” But difficult is not impossible. Causes have effects, and the more... more
Has inflation eaten away at your book profits? Perhaps you want to start advertising and need some margin. Or maybe... more
The last time I visited Barnes and Noble, I marveled at the comic book section. Western comic books only filled... more
Reader magnets are like real magnets. Sometimes, they aren't very magnetic, and other times, they're so magnetic that we can... more